Deathly Detention

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Shawn's pov

I find myself in the detention room after school, faced with my consequences of dying half my teachers hands blue. Hilarious joke I know. I sit next to Cory with Feeny sitting at the front of the class, death staring is as punishment. It's truly hard to not tell Cory about what happened. He knows all the significant moments of my life, especially when it comes to woman, he's the first person I tell. But I can't this time, it's his little sister for goodness sake, I'll be dead before I even make it out of this dreadful classroom.

"Feeny why are you staring at us like that?" I hear Cory ask the grumpy old teacher sitting at the front.

"Because Mr Mathews this it part of your punishment, you have the torturous time of sitting in silence while I give you the evil eye, hopefully by the time you leave you'll rethink your decision to prank us."

"What is we don't sit here in silence and I talk to Shawn while you continue to look at us like prey about to be eaten by a lion?"

"Go ahead Mr Mathews, no one is stopping you," I hear Feeny tell Cory.

I don't know if I can talk to him, what if I accidentally say the wrong thing and tell him I made out with his sister, or the fact that we're in a relationship. I feel my heart pounding out of my chest, this really can't be good.

"So, Shawn, why were you late for English in Turner's class?"

"Oh no reason at all Cor, don't worry about it, private emergency."

"What kind of private emergency? Did Shawn finally get his first period?" Cory jokes.

"Seriously Cor, shut up, that's not funny, women have to suffer for 1 week out of every month and you're joking about it like it's no big issue."
I had no other reaction to go off, I couldn't tell him so I continued to play it like this.
"Women all over the world have to suffer for man's desiring of children, now that's unfair, they have to take the full load while we kick back and relax, seriously do you not treat Topanga like a queen when she has to deal with this crap."

"Geez sorry, didn't realise you were such a feminist."

"Seriously Cor, grow up."

"Hey, hey, calm down we'll just change the subject."

"Alright boys, times up, go home, deal with your issues, not in my classroom," Feeny tells us as he flushes us out the door.

Y/n pov

I wait for Shawn outside of Feeny's class, curious about what all the yelling was about.

"Aww sis you didn't have to wait for us," Cory tells me.

"I'm sorry who are you? I don't think we've met, I'm here to pick up Shawn Hunter, that was all that was on the list, sorry rando," I joke with my brother. Even though we're right in front of him I still grab Shawn and give him a big bear hug.

He seemed confused yet happy, but I know I certainly am happy.

"I thought we weren't doing any of this in front of Cor, " he whispers in my ear.

"We're still friends Shawn, I'm allowed to hug you without being murdered by my brother."

I grabbed Topanga who was waiting outside the front and told her to walk in front of Shawn and I. She gave a confused look and then all of a sudden it clicked. I cover her mouth and run around the corner.

"You and Shawn?" She says in a loud tone.

"Yes but hush it up, we don't want Cory to know and we can't tell him."

"And why not, you guys are so cute, we can finally go on double dates..."

"Topanga listen to me, if Cory was to find out, one he'd kill me, two he'd kill Shawn, three there will be a hell of an argument and four he'd kill Shawn if he ever hurt. Then again he'd blame me for ruining their friendship."

"He's not like that y/n, he's kind and gentle and..."

"Just don't tell him please, he'll find out eventually, just not today. Please I beg of you keep it to yourself."

"OK, alright."

We walk back around the corner to where the boys were waiting for us.

"What was all that about?" The boys ask in unison.

Topanga looks at me and thinking in the spot I result to, "girl emergency."

"Ok, ok, I've already had a feminist lesson today, I don't need another one," Cory says grabbing Topanga's hand and leading the way home.

I'm so glad he did because that gives me the opportunity to have Shawn's arm wrapped around my waist as we walked home.

Not once did Cory turn back to check up on us, I even kissed Shawn twice and he had no idea, it was the best. I didn't realise Shawn still had his arm wrapped around me by the time we got home, in a quick jolt of unlocking the door we moved away from each other and laughed.

"Close call," I mouthed.

"I know," he mouthed in reply.

We take one step into the door and I see, Eric flying down the stairs, mumbling and pointing towards Shawn and I. This was about to get real interesting.

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