A Walk Down Memory Lane

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We head down to his truck and I hop in the drivers seat, adjusting the seat so I can reach the pedals. I turn on the ignition and press on the gas, we leave the place and head to the place I wanted to surprise Shawn with. Today, I was going to make a tour to my favorite memories with Shawn. First stop, John Adam's high.

"Why are we at the school?" Shawn asks.

"Well today is going to be full of surprises so I thought I start where it all began. Feeny owed me a favor so he gave me the keys upon request," I tell him.

We walk through the halls of the school to the place it all began. The cafeteria, where I made the bet. I opened the doors and rushed to the seat I sat in when Shawn and I were talking that day.

"This is exactly where I sat the day I placed the bet, and you sat just there right next to me. Cory and Topanga playing googly eyes else where."

Shawn sat in the seat across for me. I stared into his eyes and he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the cafeteria to the next stop on my list. I stood by the door of Turner's class and Shawn stood where he was in that moment.

The memory of the boy flashes between the moment and reality as he re-enacts the kiss the day he told me he liked me. My arms around his neck and his around my waist, pulling me close. The moments I've had with this boy melts my heart.

I lock the doors to the school and we hop back in Shawn's car, next stop was Chubbie's. We walk in and the booth we were in the night we got together was free. We sat next to each other how we did that night, imagining Cor and Topanga were sitting across from us. Gently Shawn places my hand on my thigh and held it there, Cory and Topanga rambling on in front of us.

We launch out of there to my house, Cory and Topanga sitting in Cor's room as we rush up the stairs to talk about the next moment. They came rushing out of Cor's room as they heard our footsteps pounding up the stairs.

"There you are. What's going on?" Cory says.

"Taking a walk down memory lane, wanna join for this part?" I tell them.

"Sure, what happens in this part?" Cor asks.

"You hadn't found out about us yet, Topanga knew. Her and Shawn played swapsies, Topanga slept with you that night, and Shawn came down to my room to sleep with me."

"What?" Cory says in his iconic shocked voice.

We all stand there laughing, "it was the first night I slept over in y/n's room," Shawn says.

"Why didn't you guys tell me sooner again?"

"Don't you member the big over reaction you had?" Topanga says.

"Yeah, that actually leads us to the next memory," Shawn says.

I hoped Cory and Topanga wouldn't tag along for this next part, but they did, hoping in the back seat of Shawn's truck as he drove us to the trailer park. His parents were out for the weekend and Shawn still owned a key. He unlocked the front door to his childhood home and steps inside.

"Home sweet home," Shawn says.

"Are you sure you guys want to here the next part? It's umm, a bit extreme," I tell them.

"Yes, we came didn't we?" Cory says.

"You're going to regret saying that."

We walk into Shawn's room, still how it was left, slightly emptier then when we were in there. 

"The night Cory found out, I slept over at Shawn's to give him space," I begin.

"I took her back here where we shared a moment or too before we..." Shawn says.

We just stopped talking and I see Cory's expression instantly change, we all laugh at him.

"I told you, you'd regret it," I tell him.

"You were right, I do regret it, why'd you tell me that? I'm gonna be traumatized for life," Cory says.

"Sorry Cor, but it was supposed to be a tour of mine and Y/n's favorite memories, not all of them will appeal to you," Shawn says.

I walk over to Shawn and wrap my arm around his waist, giving him a hug, he places his arm around my shoulder and holds me tight. 

For the rest of the day we run around town to all of our favorite memories. To the place where we first said I love you, the place where I got my license and shared one of the best moments with Shawn, to last night at the apartment where we told Cory and Topanga the events of the night excluding the last part. 

Finally, Shawn drove us to a very special place. He blind folded me and took me to the last place on the list. Not mine, his list. They all helped me out of the car and guided me to a special spot. Shawn takes off my blindfold and around me stands my entire family, my friends and a Baseball field ready to be used.

"Oh game on," I smile.

Eric passes me a bat as we start the game, Me, Shawn, Cory, Topanga, against Mum, Dad, Eric, Jack and Morgan. Mum was in and out of the game taking care of baby Josh, my lovely little brother who is experiencing one of my favorite traditions.

We played the game, and I hit the ball far out on the field always getting almost all my team mates home. And when we were on field, I'd catch every one of Eric's hits just to piss him off. Our team ended up winning the game leaving Dad in the dust. As it began to rain I run up to Shawn, he picks me up and spins me around.

"Thank you for today," I say to him.

"I know that you've been wanting to do this for a while, so I told Cory to give your folks a ring while we ran around town," he tells me.

As we become more saturated by the second I look up at Shawn and kiss him, thanking him for all he did. Everyone left leaving me and Shawn at the park by ourselves, standing in the rain enjoying this moment.

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