Go to Chubbie's

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Hey guys, I just want to apologize for being less active lately, I've been going through exams and this week is pretty busy as well. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far, it's been a lot of fun to write. I promise that I am doing my best to keep writing and be as active as possible but it has been a little trick. Do let me know how you feel about the story so far, I appreciate all the support and the comments I do get from you all.


I guess you could say Shawn and I were free now, we didn't have to worry about keeping secrets from Cory or about anything else really. We finally have the opportunity to settle together and live a little. One more challenge to face before we have pure freedom though. Even though Cor apologized, I had a feeling that it still was going to be a little hard of him, it's going to take some time for him to get used to.

I open my bag I had placed on Shawn's dresser, searching for the clothes I had placed in there yesterday. I feel 2 hands wrap around my waist as his head begins to lean down to my shoulder.  I find my clothes hiding at the bottom of my bag, it was the cutest outfit I could find on short notice, but it was perfect. I give Shawn a kiss on the cheek then try to separate from his grasp, but he holds on to me and doesn't let go.

"Come on Shawn, you heard what Cory said, we're going out for lunch at Chubbie's and I think now is a good time to get ready," I tell him.

"But come on, we've still got forever, come lay down with me," he replies.

"No, come on, we have to get ready we have an hour until lunch."

Shawn still holds onto my waist and throws me on his bed. I couldn't help not laughing, he is so hot and I can't stop the butterflies in my stomach when I'm around him. He jumps onto the bed, landing next to me and quickly grabbing a hold of me again to make sure I don't escape. I lay there for a second realizing how great my future is going to be with Shawn, I can picture my entire life with him. I sit up but he still holds onto me.

"Ok, ok, that's enough it's time to get ready now."

"But why? I just got you back to bed."

"Hahaha, Shawn let go of me I'm going to go take a shower and get dressed."

"I mean, if you won't lay in bed with me I'm just going to have to join you in the shower."

"Fine as long as you promise to get ready afterwards."

"I promise baby."

That is the first time he's ever called me that, the first time he's ever given me a nickname in our relationship. I was amused by the word, baby, something I never thought would've come out of his mouth. I take off Shawn's shirt, go into his bathroom and turn the shower on, I waited for the warmth of the water to appear. I hop into the shower, hot and steamy just how I like it, not burning my back but warm enough for my skin to bare. I dunk my head under the water to get my hair wet. I hear the shower door open and know that Shawn meant what he said when he said he'd join me. 

I take my head out from under the water and lean my head on his forehead. I place my arms around his neck, look up and kiss him. We stayed in the shower for as long as the hot water would allow us, before having to resort to getting out.

I walk out of the bathroom and grab my clothes I had gotten out of my bag. I wrap my hair up in a towel as I put my clothes on, spray a little bit of perfume on my neck and wait for Shawn to get ready. I've already missed 3 calls from Topanga with 20 messages reminding me that we are going out to Chubbie's and that it's almost 12 and we need to be there soon. 

I grab my bag and basically push Shawn out of his own house so we can make it to lunch. I race him out of the trailer park, winning of course and walking efficiently the rest of the way to Chubbie's. 

By the time we get there I realize the time is 10 past 12, I a moment of panic I realize Topanga is going to have our heads. We quickly rush down the stairs and approach the booth where Cory and Topanga seem to be completely in their own worlds. We sit down across from the 2 of them, both of them turning their heads slowly towards us. I sit there and begin to feel really uncomfortable, it was such an awkward feeling, and it was extremely creepy.

"So, guys, a little late are we?" Topanga asks.

"Yeah, sorry, Shawn just wouldn't hurry up, I tried to rush him..."

"Hey, its ok, we get it, you are in a public relationship now, you want to be able to do anything you want now."

"Yeah, again so sorry."

"Hey, sis, don't worry about it, today is me getting used to this," Cory says gesturing at us, "and you guys can be open and feel free to discuss anything with us."

"Yeah, hey, thanks Cor, for giving me, us a chance on this," Shawn says.

We spent the entirety of lunch talking and laughing together. Cory was beginning to get used to the fact that Shawn and I are together, and that this isn't going to disappear anytime soon. We had hope for this and could now finally express how we feel about it all.

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