Graduation 2

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"Hey Precious, what brings you back here?"

"Hey Jamie. Can I come in?" I ask the boy.


His black hair is nicely slicked back, with a freshly shaved undercut. He's dressed in black sweats, sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He has piercing brown eyes and a gorgeous smile. Tattoos cover some of his forearm and there is one on his neck.

We grab a seat on his couch, waters already place on the table like he was expecting me. I cross my legs and face him directly.

"Since when do you have tattoos?" I ask, trying to avoid the reason I came.

"I've had them for ages, is this the first time you've noticed them?"

"Umm, yes."

"Well on my wrist, there's a moon, on my arms I have a wolf and a scorpion, my neck I've got an arrow and behind my ear I've got Precious."

"You've got my nickname behind your ear?"

"Yeah, well you're a pretty important person in my life."

"That's so sweet, what do people say when they ask you about it?"

"People don't really ask. I keep it pretty private, my hair covers it most of the time so no one really sees it. Anyway, you came here for a visit so I'm assuming you have something important you want to discuss."

"Yes, I don't know what to do. I got into NYU..." I start.

"You got into NYU?" he asks excitedly.

"Yeah, and I really want to go, but if I do, Shawn says he's going to come with me, leave his opportunity at Pennbrook so we can still be together in New York."

"Have you told him that you want him to stay here and not chase after you?"

"Yes, but he insists. He gave me this promise ring, that's his life line to me. He says wherever I go, he goes, in sickness and in health like bloody wedding vows. Like we are fucking married. I just want him to have his own life so he can have a good one, instead of feeling like he has to come with me."

"You know, it is his decision too. He'll be changing his whole life for you, but that's on him, that is a decision he has made on his own, it isn't up to you to tell him what he can and can't do, he needs to learn for himself."

"So your saying I should just let him decide whatever he decides and let him ruin his life by coming with me."

"He won't ruin his life, he's just trying to find a way to make it better for not just you but for him too."


"Just trust me on this one, he'll make his decision, whether it's the right one or not."

"Ok, you're right, it's his decision."

I grab a sip of my water and consider everything Jamie just said, but I still can't get my head around the idea of letting Shawn move for me. It's his decision, and I know that, but will he make the right one.

We sit on his couch and play some card games before I hug him goodbye and drive home. It's peaceful out here, the neighborhood has become familiar to me, a second home I guess you could say. Nothing beats a safe place, Jamie's house is my safe place, my guidance between right and wrong, a helping hand in decision making, and a free getaway. I'll be leaving it all behind for NYU, but that's ok, I'm ready for new beginnings.


"Please welcome the graduating class of 1998."

I walk down the corridor, hand in hand with Shawn and I feel no worries at all, I'm excited. Walking up to the stage I see my teachers, my peers and Mr. Feeny, not looking like he's quite ready to say goodbye.

After a while of talking Feeny introduces Topanga to the stage, our class valedictorian.

"Ladies and gentleman, my fellow class members of the class of '98, I am very honored to be your valedictorian, and I worked very hard on this speech, however, I'm not going to give it, cause I know somebody who could give a much better speech than I ever could. Ladies and gentleman, my good friend, Shawn Hunter."

Cory and I look at each other confused, "we only go to high school once," Shawn says. He walks up to the stage and hugs Topanga before making himself comfortable at the podium.

"Thank you Topanga. You know I read her speech, it kicked butt. I attended John Adams High School sporadically during the last four years, I barely have a C average, that's why I'm here. Mr. Feeny asked us to write about what we were feeling this week and, of course, I was feeling like I always do, I couldn't wait to get out of here. But now, high school is over. And just when I'm finally free, I find myself sneaking back into this place and sitting in the hall, thinking about my friends and all the time we spent here. And you, Mr. Feeny. I started thinking about you. And how you always told us what to do without ever telling us what to do. You taught us about life. I was thinking about how much this place has been my home. And how many times I screwed up when I was here. How I could've done better. I could've done better. That's umm... That's what I wrote. That's how I feel. I'm sorry. I could've done better. Congratulations to those who did."

A smile beamed over my face, super proud of what he did, standing up there and reading his speech, I felt how he felt. Every memory around this place comes flooding through my head. Our first day, every lesson in Turner's class, in the cafeteria the day I made the bet, the day Shawn told me how he felt, when he kissed me, every time he kissed me, the pranks we pulled and never got caught, classes with Feeny, all of us together hanging out around this place, this place was truly home. I grab a hold of Shawn's hand holding it tight, I'm not ready to lose him.

We stand up and throw our caps in the air to celebrate, I hear Topanga talking to Cory, "will you marry me?" her voice says. The smile on my face grows as I wait for Cory to answer, but he's too in shock to say anything.

As the ceremony ends Shawn and I walk out of the room, big smiles on our faces.

"What did you think?" he asks.

"I think you actually finished an assignment for once," I joke.

"Haha, very funny."

"What? I'm only honest."

"So, what's the decision then?"

"I'm going to NYU, and I'm not going to stop you if you want to come with me."

"Good, because wherever you go, I'm coming with you," he says pulling me in for a kiss and I don't let go, because just as he did, I promised forever too.

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