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Cory apologized to me the night I got home from my day out with Eric. Although Shawn and I still didn't hang out with him for a while after that, Shawn instinctively became more protective of me, especially around Cory. We've been together for 3 months now leaving Cory completely out of it, he still has no knowledge of what's been going on right in front of him.

"I think it's time we tell him."

"No Shawn, we can't, its just going to result in the same thing that just happened with him, I'm going to be blamed for stealing you and all the rest of it."

"Come on y/n, the sooner we tell him, the sooner his hissy fit will be over and we can be one big happy group of friends again, its time."

"It's not!"

"Y/n look, if he acts like that, I'm going to side with you, 100%, ok. Its going to be like last time, I'm on your side, our side."

I look straight into his eyes, his gorgeous blue eyes, I believe everything he says, he's going to stick by me, by us. I lean on his shoulder, and I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"Come on y/n, you know this has been going on for long enough, it's time."

"Fine, but on last thing."

I wrap my arms around his neck, I feel him grabbing a hold of my waist, I lean in close towards him and kiss him.

"You know I won't let anything happen to you," Shawn says.

I lean back in and kiss him right on the lip, but suddenly I hear the door open, a delayed reaction from the person occurs.

"What... The... Hell..." I hear the voice say. I instantly recognize it as the little curly hair boy who lives down the hall.

"Cory, what are you doing in my room?" I ask in the most fake happy voice possible.

"I came to tell you something, but I'm sorry, I was clearly interrupting something. How long have you 2 been doing this?"

"Cory..." Shawn begins.

"We've been together for 3 months."

"You mean, together together, like a couple, like me and Topanga."

"Yes Cor," Shawn says.

"So this was the super hot, cute girl you've been talking all about, this was the secret relationship. With my little sister. Out of all the people on this planet did it have to be my little sister and y/n my best friend, what the hell, see this is what I mean, you stole everything from me, my best friend, you're in my life more than you need to be," Cory starts to yell. "How could you keep this from me? Shawn you used to tell me everything, how could you not tell me?"

"Because we  knew this was how you were going to react. We knew you'd yell at us for dating, for liking each other, we could've done so much more together if we weren't trying to hide this from you, can't you just be happy for us?" Shawn bursts in Cory's face.

"Don't forget who stole my best friend first, Cor."

I hear footsteps climbing up the stair and I assume its the rest of the family, but to my surprise, its Topanga who comes running up them. 

Cory turns to face her, "Did you know?"

"Did I know what?" she asks.

"Did you know about them?" 

"Yes I did, but we all kept it from you because we knew you'd over react."

"Over react, no, no, no, I'm not over reacting at all, I just need to go down to my room, open my window and jump out of it."

"Cory you're over reacting," Topanga tells him.

"Ok maybe I'm over reacted, but that's my best friend and my sister, my best friend and my little sister, together, its not right."

He walks down to his room where I know Eric is waiting to talk to him, hopefully he can reason with him, and this will all be over. I turn back to Shawn and fall into his arms I don't have to say a word, he knows exactly what I'm thinking.

"Hey at least we can be together now. No secrets. Just you and me babe, just you and me."

I kiss him again, so please that this is out, that we can be in a proper relationship, I don't ever want to let go of him. I shut my door to avoid listening to the 2 year old temper tantrum at the other end of the house.

"Hey, Shawn. Do you reckon we can stay over at the trailer park tonight. I just think it'll be heaps better than staying here with this," I point in the general direction of one Cory Matthews.

"Yeah, sure, mum and dad are out of town so we don't have to worry about them, just ask Mr and Mrs Matthews if it's ok and we'll be fine."

I kiss him and rush down stair to where mum and dad are sitting in the lounge room.

"That was umm... quiet an argument up there," dad says.

"Yeah, are you alright sweetheart?" mum asks.

"Yeah mum, I'm fine I just don't want to be here right now, am I able to stay at Shawn's tonight?"

"Yeah sweety, that's ok, as long as its ok with Shawn, do whatever makes you comfortable."

"Thanks mum," I say before running up stairs to tell Shawn.

I grab a small bag and begin to pack some of my stuff, only all the necessities. I think I'll just steel one of Shawn's shirts to sleep in, and I should be good.

"Hey, what did they say?"

"They said it was fine, I'm ready to go when you are."

Shawn walked past my parents, said goodbye and walk me out the back door to the trailer park.

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