Hotel Lobby

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(I decided to write the first imagine since I felt really motivated and you guys really seemed to want to read it so here you go. Enjoy!)

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Y/n was trying was trying to get to a meeting that starts in 5 minutes, but it was all the way across the hotel so he ran for it. He tried to avoid all the people but he was so distracted trying to avoid a child that was running around in the lobby, that he didn't notice a woman that was walking towards the receptionist. He bumped into her which caused her to fall down.

"I'm so sorry please let me help you up." (Y/n) apologized to the woman. "No worries I'm alright" she reassured (Y/n). He couldn't help but feel guilty. Then an idea popped into his head, he asked the woman for her name so he could apologize with dinner. "I'm really sorry could I please get your number so maybe I could make up for it with dinner..?" (Y/n) asked. Emma would have normally just said she was really alright although she couldn't help but find the man which was staring down at the floor in guilt really attractive so Emma thought that there was no harm in giving him her number "My name is Emma, Emma Watson pleased to meet you..." Emma said while writing her number on a sheet of paper. "(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)." "Here's my number (Y/n)", Emma said while she gave (Y/n) her number on the small sheet of paper. "Well then (Y/n) it looked like you were in a hurry so I think you should get going and i'll see you later". (Y/n) completely forgot about his meeting so he continued running but not before looking back at Emma one last time which caused him to hit a wall. Emma laughed and started to smile and wave goodbye at which of course (Y/n) returned.

During the meeting (Y/n) wasn't listening about the other floors they could add for his hotel instead he couldn't stop thinking about Emma and planning the date in his mind. Little did he know Emma was thinking about the same thing the whole day.

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