In-laws (3)

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(Hey I did a part three of In-laws as you can see! So...Have fun reading!)

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Emma and (Y/n) were meeting up with his parents today. (Y/n)'s parents owned a lot of hotels and they had to run it so they never had a real conversation with Emma but they have exchanged a few hellos, before (Y/n)'s parents left to go work. (Y/n)'s parents somehow made time to have dinner with Emma and (Y/n). His parents were aware of their relationship but they didn't know that he proposed, so today was the day they were going to tell them.

Emma was a nervous wreck and (Y/n) would try to calm her down with some hugs. Emma would usually calm down from his touch but right now she was too worried that even (Y/n)'s hugs didn't help. (Y/n) was fully dressed and sitting on their bed, watching Emma pace back and forth. "What if this dress looks horrible? No but what if it isn't their favorite color? Wait how about this?" She said picking up a red dress, "No it looks too bright. Wait how about this?" She said now lifting up a green dress, "There's too much sequins on it. I give up!" She said sitting beside (Y/n) and then letting her body fall on the bed.

(Y/n) looked at her with a frown on his face. "Emma I think that white dress you picked out looks gorgeous on you. Actually any dress would look good on you." He smiled, "Love look, I appreciate the compliments but compliments won't help me pick my dress." Emma told him, (Y/n) stood up and pulled Emma's arms making her sit on the bed. Emma stared at the floor so (Y/n) kneeled down and looked at her, Emma avoiding eye contact. (Y/n) sighed and said "I'm saying I love you for you. And if you're wearing a dress that you don't even like, just so you could fit my parents' standards, then they won't truly meet the Emma that I know and fell in love with. I'm saying you should pick out a dress that you like and then go with that. Don't think about what my parents will say because I'm sure they would love you anyways." Emma finally looked at his eyes and kissed him. "God I really love you." Emma said, (Y/n) chuckled and said "I love you too. Now go pick a dress that you like."

Emma stood up, now determined to pick a dress. She ended up choosing that white dress that (Y/n) liked. Emma thinking while she was putting the dress on 'I guess after a long time of living with (Y/n), he knows what dresses I like.' She came out to see (Y/n) on the bed, looking at his phone. (Y/n) looked up and saw Emma standing there with the white dress he thought looked beautiful on her, (Y/n) also thinking the same thing as Emma 'I guess after living with Emma for a long time I know what dresses she would pick.' (Y/n) got out of the bed and stood up trying to form a sentence, "Wow..You look- Just wow.." Emma chuckled and turned around, "Zip me up please?" (Y/n) going towards Emma and zipping up her dress. Emma turned around and looked at the loving eyes of (Y/n), they both slowly leaned in and kissed passionately.

Their kiss was cut short when (Y/n)'s phone rang, he pulled away and answered his phone. It was his parents calling them asking if they were alright with the restaurant his parents' chose, (Y/n) just said "Yes mum. I think that's alright with us. See you there!" His mom hanging up after saying an 'okay' and a 'goodbye', (Y/n) saying one in return. (Y/n) looked at Emma silently asking if she was ready to go, Emma nodded and took her heels and purse making her way to their first floor. (Y/n) turned off all the lights, picking up his wallet, shoes and watch since his phone was already in his hand. He went out of their bedroom going down the stairs as well. When he made it to their first floor he saw Emma putting on her heels, him doing the same and putting on his shoes and watch.

Once they were done locking their house, they went to their car. (Y/n) opening Emma's car door, she went in and he closed the door for her. Him going to his side of the car and getting in as well. (Y/n) decided to play some music, one he knew very well, it was single ladies. He started singing and Emma following as well but (Y/n) made her put down her hand and said "No you're taken" Emma laughed and (Y/n) followed as well.

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