"i love you too" (2)

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(Y/n) was sitting still laying down on the bed staring at the ceiling while Emma had already got up and got dressed, going to god knows where. He didn't cry anymore, he thought it was pointless to cry when it had already happened. It really defines the idiom: "Don't cry over spilled milk".

(Y/n) didn't know what to do. His relationship was practically over, he didn't have a place to stay, he hasn't confronted Emma so in conclusion...he didn't have a plan. All he could start with was to go visit Dan, and so he did.

(Y/n) wore something casual and comfortable. He started his car and drove to Dan's. He hadn't told Dan that he was coming over but then again, Dan told him he could visit whenever he wanted so technically, he wasn't going unannounced.

(Y/n) parked his car and got out to ring the doorbell. "Hold on!" said Dan, running towards the door. Dan looked through the eyehole to see (Y/n) which made his smile widen, excited to see his longtime friend.

Dan's smile dropped when he saw the sad expression written all over his bestfriend's face. "Who did this?" He said gesturing to (Y/n)'s frown.

(Y/n) took a deep breath, "No one" he muttered. Dan eyed him, not believing the excuse. He let (Y/n) in and immediately sat him down on the couch.

"Tell me." Dan said sternly yet still concerned. (Y/n) slumped down on the couch and covered his face. Dan had to tug it away to get (Y/n) to speak.

"Emma cheated." (Y/n) softly spoke, he felt tears start to form in his eyes. He promised himself it wasn't worth crying over, but all that just disappeared when he remembered the stranger's lips on Emma's.

Dan was starting to feel furious, but before he could, he knew that (Y/n) needed him to be by his side. "(Y/n)...you know you can cry in front of me right?" Dan gently said when he saw (Y/n) trying to stop his tears.

(Y/n) immediately broke down with Dan right beside him. He pulled (Y/n) into a hug and let him cry into his shirt. Dan was like a big brother to (Y/n), aside from Colin. Colin only became friends with (Y/n) when they were in college, but Dan? Dan was there his whole life.

"It's okay. Let it out" Dan comfortingly patted (Y/n)'s back. "You don't deserve this- hell, she doesn't deserve you"

Dan felt (Y/n) shake his head. "I-" (Y/n) managed to get out before sobbing once more. Dan frowned, he couldn't believe Emma could ever do this. They used to be so in love...what happened?

After a few more comforting words and tissues, (Y/n) was able to calm down. Dan handed (Y/n) a bottle of water and let him take his time to speak.

"Thanks" (Y/n) said in a raspy voice from all the crying. He opened the bottle and took a large sip from it, setting the bottle down once he hd finished. "I- I don't know what to do" He said whilst running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, for starters...you have to talk about this with her-" Dan tried to explain but was cut off by (Y/n), who had slammed his hands on the table.

"I can't. I can't do this. Anything but that"

"(Y/n)...you're gonna have to. It happened, whether we both like it or not. Now the only thing you can do is to acknowledge or don't. It's your choice, but in my opinion. You have to or this is going to eat you up inside" Dan finished giving him a reassuring smile and a comforting pat on the back.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

It was starting to rain while (Y/n) drove home. The words of Dan played again through his mind like a broken record player. If he was completely honest, he knew Dan was right.

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