Kiss her you fool

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(My friend and I do this thing where I give scenarios to songs she gives me aaaand I thought this one particularly stood out from the ones I made so enjoy! This one was inspired by Kiss Her You Fool by Kids That Fly)


(Y/n) gets home from his date with Emma. He sees Dan, his roommate and bestfriend sitting on the couch watching another low budget drama.

"So how'd it go?" Dan asked him. Guessing from his tired expression and the regret written all over his face, he would have to guess that the date gone horribly wrong.

Dan placed his feet down on the floor and stood up, walking to the freezer. While he was locating where his hidden stash of emergency ice cream was, (Y/n) sat down on the couch, feet up the coffee table.

Dan came back with the tub full of chocolate chip ice cream and two spoons. He didn't even bother bringing bowls seeing as they could finish a whole tub of it.

"So...tell me about it" Dan said scooping out some ice cream. They had a brother type of relationship, which explained why they had the same taste in ice cream. His bestfriend was probably one of the people who could understand him, he was the one who protected him from those dicks who thought they were superior to everyone. Hence the brother type friendship.

(Y/n) told him about his date, how Emma was probably the coolest person he ever dated and how the date went so well, until he left Emma without kissing her. He took a scoopful of ice cream and placed the whole in his mouth before handing the tub back to his bestfriend.

"Oh you dumbass. Sometimes I wonder why you get asked out more than me," Dan said.

(Y/n) shrugged, "Tell me what to doooooo," he said with a mouthful of ice cream.

"Take my advice on this alright. Call her up. Go over to where she lives. Tell her you forgot something and kiss her." His bestfriend's advice was probably the only thing that kept him alive through their whole friendship.

"Okay. Yeah I could do that." (Y/n) placed the spoon on the table and ruffled the hair of his bestfriend despite his protests.

"You are so fucking amazing" (Y/n) told him.

Dan shrugged, "I know."

(Y/n) ran out of his apartment and followed the most life changing advice his bestfriend gave. He kissed the girl.


(I intentionally made this focus more on Dan and (Y/n)'s relationship. This was probably the shortest oneshot I've written on this book but I just had to give y'all something so I hope you enjoyed it :) )

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