Would You Be So Kind

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Since yesterday was girlfriends day. I got all of you guys a gift.

The song is called: Would You Be So Kind by Doodie

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Emma was sitting in the library while (Y/n) was across her, keeping her company. He watched as Emma flipped through the pages. She would catch (Y/n) looking at her from time to time and she would smile at (Y/n) which would make him struggle to breathe from being so flustered.

(Y/n) put his book down and placed laid his head on his arms. He watched Emma and he couldn't believe how gorgeous she was. She eventually felt someone looking at her and placed her book down to see it was (Y/n) who was looking at her lovingly.

Emma blushed, "What?" She asked him, feeling her face get hotter by the second.

"I have a question. It might seem strange." (Y/n) lifted his head up with his hands.

"What's the question?" Emma replied.

"How are your lungs? Are they in pain?" (Y/n) asked. Emma found this strange and looked at him in confusion.

"They're doing pretty good I think. Why do you ask?" Emma wondered why (Y/n) was acting so strange.

"Cause mine are aching" (Y/n) responded. He stood up and sat in the chair beside Emma.

"(Y/n) I don't think that's a good sign. Do you want me to take you to the doctor?" Emma asked worriedly. She placed the back of her hand to his forehead but it seemed like his temperature was normal.

"Think I know why." (Y/n) laughed at Emma and took her hand from his forehead and held it in his hands like it was the most delicate thing in the world. Emma looked away to control her growing blush.

"I kinda like it though. You wanna try?" (Y/n) watched as Emma's face turned around to face his. Their lips being inches away. Emma thought that if she moved a little closer, their lips would touch. She tried but (Y/n) pulled away further when she would try to move closer.

(Y/n) dodged Emma's kiss once more making her grumble. He softly laughed and lifter his fingers to push Emma's hair behind her ear. He placed his lips close to her ear and whispered, "Oh, would you be so kind. As to fall in love with me? You see, I'm trying. I know you know that I like you. But that's not enough. So if you will. Please fall in love."

Emma furrowed her eyebrows. "But we're already married (Y/n) wha-"

(Y/n) silenced Emma by placing his finger right on her lips. "I think it's only fair. There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere wanna share?"

Emma rolled her eyes and pulled (Y/n)'s finger from her lips. "I don't think your stomach can handle half a million butterflies."

"Cause I like you but that's not enough-"

"I swear (Y/n) I don't know what you're talking about." Emma got confused more and more by the second.

"So if you will please fall in love with me..."

"I already am in love with you dummy. I'm so far past the line of being "in love with you". I'm actually in the line "I can't live without you." Emma smiled and pulled (Y/n) in for a kiss.

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pov: reads this in bitchless 🤗🤝
sorry for calling yall and me out 😌

pov: reads this in bitchless 🤗🤝sorry for calling yall and me out 😌

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pls accept this photo as a peace offering

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