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(You guys have no idea how paranoid I was when I was writing this. I swear I kept checking my surroundings for spiders.)

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⚠️ This chapter contains spiders ⚠️

Emma was reading a book and (Y/n) was using his phone. They were both on the couch, it was silent but they enjoyed each other's presence.

Emma was flipping a page when from the corner of her eye, she saw something moving. She turned her head hoping it wasn't what she thought it was. A spider, it was a spider. Emma's eyes widened and she kept tapping (Y/n)'s shoulder to get his attention. (Y/n) was so engrossed on his phone that he didn't feel the first few taps Emma gave him. Emma tapped him harder and (Y/n) looked at her.

Before (Y/n) could ask what's wrong she pointed at the spider that was crawling on the floor. (Y/n) looked at where her finger was pointing at and he saw a huge spider, it was about the size of his hand. (Y/n) immediately put his two feet on the couch, Emma doing the same. "(Y/n) kill it!" Emma shouted, (Y/n) gave her a bewildered look. "You kill it!" (Y/n) said back. "Why do I have to do it?!" (Y/n) said, "You're bigger than me it would probably want to bite you first. Now kill it!" Emma said. (Y/n) scoffed and gave her an incredulous look, "I can't believe you would do that!" Emma gave him a bored expression and said "Kill it now!"
"You do it!"
"Do it!"
"No! You kill it!"
"(Y/n)! Kill it!" Emma said whining.

"Alright fine," (Y/n) sighed. He turned to look back the the spider to realise it wasn't there anymore. "Oh no," (Y/n) said worriedly. Emma looked at where he was staring at to realise the spider wasn't there anymore. "Where did the spider go?!" Emma said. "Oh it's cooking dinner for us," (Y/n) said sarcastically while Emma gave him a perplexed expression. "I was being sarcastic," (Y/n) told her, Emma rolled her eyes and started looking around.

(Y/n) looked around as well and his eyes landed on a spider that was trying to climb up the couch. "Emma I found it and I don't think you're going to like where it's headed," (Y/n) told her. Emma looked where (Y/n) was looking and in any minute it would be right beside them. (Y/n) quickly grabbed Emma's arm and made a run for it, he ran to their second floor, Emma trying to catch up.

Once they reached the second floor, they took a moment to catch their breaths. (Y/n)'s breathing went back to normal and he suddenly realised he left his phone. "Oh no no no no no no," (Y/n) said. "What?" Emma asked still catching her breath. "I left my phone on the couch," (Y/n) told her. "Well I'm not going back down there so you might as well say goodbye to it," Emma said. (Y/n) kneeled down and lifted his arm, he clenched his fist as if he lost someone he loved, which was the case in this scenario except it was his phone.

(Y/n) stood up and ran downstairs for his phone, not catching any sight of the spider which was not a good thing. He grabbed his phone and made a run for it, not seeing the creature that was clinging on to his leg. (Y/n) put his hands on his knees and closed his eyes, trying to regain his breath once again. He opened his eyes to see a hairy creature that had 8 eyes and it was staring into him. (Y/n) screamed and immediately shook it off his legs. The spider ran toward his direction so he quickly carried Emma, bridal style and ran downstairs.

(Y/n) placed Emma back on her feet, which Emma was not thankful for since she felt more safe being carried. (Y/n) took out his phone and started calling Spider Control but he accidentally called Dan.

Dan answered, "spider control?" (Y/n) asked. "No it's Dan. What's up why do you guys sound worried?" Dan asked. "Theresaspiderinourhousethatsthesizeofmyhandpleasecomesaveus," (Y/n) said quickly. "Wait wait slow down say it again" Dan said. "There's a spider in our house, that's the size of my hand. Please come and save us," (Y/n) pleaded. "I hate spiders. I'll call spider control for you guys alright?" Dan asked. (Y/n) and Emma immediately shouted yes.

The animal control came and they took the spider, (Y/n) thanking them a bunch of times. The couple spent the rest of their day going back to what they were doing. They just didn't realise a spider egg that was attached at the corner of their ceiling.

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(For all the people who has a fear of spiders or who just doesn't like them, I apologize 😭)

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