Unrequited Feelings

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(Y/n) was buying flowers for his long time crush and bestfriend, Emma. They were both childhood friends. It was one of the reasons why (Y/n) never confessed. He was afraid that it wouldn't end well, but now he was determined to ask her out on a date. He didn't care anymore about the consequences because he knew that he would regret it more if he never did ask her out.

(Y/n) silently walked to Emma's favorite bakery, grinning. He was trying to be quiet so that he could scare Emma. (Y/n) tried to spot Emma through the amount of people who were at the tables. He spotted a familiar color of hair and adorable freckles.

There she was sitting down on one of the tables, eating a slice of cake. Emma was smiling as she did a little happy dance while she ate the cake. He thought it was the most cutest sight he'd ever seen. (Y/n) was about to walk over to her until a man around his and Emma's age walked over to her and asked for her number.

Emma gave him her number and invited him to sit down with her. He could only focus on Emma's happy expressions when they both talked and laughed. (Y/n) was standing by the entrance holding the flowers and chocolates that was for Emma. His heart broke at the sight, he couldn't take it anymore.

(Y/n) ran out of the shop holding in his tears. He ran into his car and let everything out. He shouted, he cursed everything, he even got out of his car to throw the chocolates and flowers in the bin beside the bakery. He simply stared at the crushed up roses and flattened box of chocolate in the bin as he started to stop crying.

After a while, (Y/n) wiped of his tears and got back in the car. He drove to his house and played a show that always seemed to cheer him up. But in that moment, the only person that was capable of healing his heart was the one who broke it in the first place.

(Y/n) fell asleep on his couch in the living room. Accepting the cold wind that brushed his skin. Because to him, if it wasn't Emma then it was no one.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

I'm sorry if I made you guys sad 😭 I'll post a happy drabble for you guys!

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