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Sometimes, reality may hit you with a bat and expect you to get back up even if you can't. Because that's what it means to be human. We love, we suffer but we have to keep breathing.

"Emma please." (Y/n) pushed the door open while Emma tried to close it.

"(Y/n) you know how my family feels about you..." Emma said trying to shove (Y/n) out of her house and into the rain.

"So what Emma? I don't give a shit about what they think so why should you?" (Y/n) snapped back.

Emma was taken aback and gave him a look of disbelief. As soon as she gave the glare he immediately knew that he touched a nerve. She stopped trying to push him out and left the door open but (Y/n) made no move to enter without Emma's permission.

"Because they're not your parents they're mine." Emma gritted through her teeth.

"Okay- I get that but that shouldn't effect our relationship if you loved me enough-" (Y/n) spoke but Emma cut him off.

"You don't think I love you enough?" Her voice softened every word. She couldn't believe that he would think that.

"Yeah! You wouldn't be kicking me out of your house if you did." (Y/n) huffed as drops of rain started drenching his shirt.

"I love you. More than you know-" Emma starting tearing up.

"Then let us be together..." (Y/n) wanted to reach out to the love his life and tell her everything was going to be alright but he knew it wasn't true.

"I can't- We can't. You know that, love" Emma sobbed as she gripped the doorknob.

"I don't care if your dad hunts me down o- or if someone stabs me right in the chest! Because nothing would be more painful than not having to spend my life with you..." (Y/n) whispered. He cupped her face, wiping all the tears that fell on Emma's face.

Emma shook her head, making (Y/n)'s hands fall from her face. "But I do. I do care! I won't be able to live with myself if you died because of me. No. Never."

"Then- then run away with me. We won't ever have to come back here." (Y/n) pleaded to whatever higher being there is in this wretched world that Emma would say yes.

"(Y/n)-" He took Emma's hands in his.

"I beg you...I don't wanna live in this world without you. No, I can't live in this world without you. Everyday I wake up the only think about how I'll get to see you in the morning. How your hands brush my face. How your smile somehow brightens up the darkest days-"

Emma smiled as the tears fell. (Y/n) gave a smile back while wrapping Emma's arms around his neck.

"-that exact smile. The one I long for everyday. That smile that cures every breaking piece of me. It only comes from you and I love that and I love you. So, run away with me Emma. I promise to love you in this life and all the future ones." (Y/n) looked at Emma hopefully.

Emma's smile widened with every sentence. She playfully rolled her eyes and gave a laugh that made (Y/n)'s heart melt. "With a speech like that, how could I not?"

" that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes, love!"

(Y/n) and Emma happily laughed knowing that life was going to be okay, now, forever and all their future lives together because they finally understood what it meant to be human.

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