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Emma and (Y/n) were at Emma's place, they were watching a movie until Emma said "You know I bet I could do more exercise more than you." (Y/n) let out a offended gasp before speaking "Are you sure? Because I think I could do more exercise than you." Emma nodded and responded with, "Wanna bet on it?", "What would I get if I won?" He asked Emma. "Cuddles" Emma responded, (Y/n) pretended to think about it, then said "That seems fair. If you win do you get the same?" Emma just nodded and asked if he wanted some more popcorn, he nodded and told her he could get it himself. After (Y/n) had gotten his popcorn, they continued to watch their movie.

The next day (Y/n) invited Emma to his gym and they started their bet. They were both supposed to keep track on how much exercise they have done in the gym and so far Emma was winning the bet. (Y/n) noticed this and so he started to do his push-ups faster which caused some attention from some girls that were also working out near him. Once he finished his push-ups to drink water, he was surprised to see them all surrounding him. The girls started flirting with (Y/n) and he was trying to send Emma signals to help him but Emma was too busy running on the treadmill to notice it.

After a few minutes Emma was about to see how (Y/n) was doing when she saw a bunch of girls talking to him, clearly Emma didn't see his uncomfortable state and she got jealous. Emma walked over to (Y/n) and the girls, she heard one of the girls ask (Y/n) if he had a girlfriend but before he could respond Emma stepped in and said "He's taken and I don't think he's comfortable with all you girls surrounding him", then they all left because it looked like if they were to stay any longer Emma was about to murder them. (Y/n) had a thankful expression but his expression changed when he saw Emma's irritated appearance. Before (Y/n) could say a word Emma had told him to pack up his stuff and head to the car.

The drive on their way to Emma's apartment felt longer than it was since they would usually be talking, but right now it was silent. (Y/n) decided not to speak since it might irritate Emma more. Emma parked her car and they both made their way to her apartment. Once they were both in Emma finally started talking to (Y/n), "Enjoyed the attention?" (Y/n) looked at her in perplexity "What are you talking about?" Emma scoffed "Those girls that were flirting with you. You didn't try and stop them to say you had a girlfriend??" she replied. "I tried to but they kept cutting me off and kept asking me how often I go to the gym.", (Y/n) told Emma. Emma's eyes softened and said "I'm sorry I was just jealous at the thought that you were flirting back..". (Y/n) nodded understandingly and said "I don't want attention from other girls. Attention from you is enough for me, hell even if a million girls were to flirt with me they would never be able to compete with you. I love you so much." (Y/n)'s eyes widened since they had never said 'I love you' to each other yet, but once Emma had placed her lips on his, his eyes fluttered close melting into the touch of Emma's fingers scratching the back of his neck. After they both pulled away to breathe, Emma said "I love you too" widening (Y/n)'s smile. "Do you want to call it a tie and shower before we both go watch a movie and cuddle?" Emma nodded and made her way to the bathroom but not before giving (Y/n) one last peck on the lips.

They had both finished showering and (Y/n) and Emma were both cuddling on the living room sofa. After a while Emma fell asleep and (Y/n) watched her relaxed state. He was wondering what their future would look like, what their kids would look like then he got surprised at the thought, 'Do I want kids? Does Emma want kids?' (Y/n) asked himself. He wasn't certain but he was certain about one thing and it was that he was very much in love with Emma Watson. He whispered an 'I love you' to Emma before turning off the tv and falling asleep.

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