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Happy Halloween! Here's a treat for you guys :)

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(Y/n) and Emma were finally going trick or treating together. They were about 10 years old, and they were friends since they were 5. (Y/n) and Emma had made a map of all the houses they would go to first. Their parents allowed them to go by themselves since they lived in a safe neighborhood. But right now, they were putting on their costumes.

"(Y/n) are you sure we can cut this?" Emma asking if she could cut a bed sheet. (Y/n) nodded "I asked my mum if we could have these two bed sheets and she said yes." Emma nodded and started cutting eye holes on the bed sheets, (Y/n) doing the same as well.

After a few minutes, they soon had their costumes. Emma and (Y/n) went as ghosts for this halloween. Emma's costume had two eye holes while (Y/n)'s had two eye holes and an 'o' shaped hole for his mouth. (Y/n) grabbed two sunglasses. He put one on and gave the other to Emma, she put hers on as well.

They both went downstairs to show their costumes to their moms. (Y/n)'s mom had wide eyes and had a shocked expression. "Woah! Great job making these costumes guys!" (Y/n)'s mom complimented, Emma's mom nodding as well. "Yeah! These look so good. Let's take a picture of you two and show it to your fathers" Emma's mom said. Emma and (Y/n) both posed, (Y/n) kneeled down and put both of his hands on his face, making it look like a shocked expression. Emma went behind (Y/n) and did bunny ears behind his head. Both moms smiling at their poses. Once they were done taking pictures, Emma's mom and (Y/n)'s mom let them go for their trick or treating, handing both of them their pillow cases for the candy.

The two left (Y/n)'s house saying good bye to their moms. Emma knocked on the first house on the map. A nice woman opened her door, holding a bowl of candies as well. Emma and (Y/n) saying "Trick or Treat!" The woman smiled and complimented their costumes. "You guys look so cool! I love the sunglasses," (Y/n) and Emma thanking her. The woman placed a handful of candy in their pillow cases, they both thanked her and started walking to their next house.

After a lot of trick or treating, they were ready to go home. They walked back to (Y/n)'s house, carrying their heavy pillow cases filled with candy. Emma and (Y/n) opened the door, said a quick hello to their moms and ran to (Y/n)'s room.

Emma and (Y/n) both took of their costumes and sat down on the floor, dumping their candies on the floor as well. There was a space between the candies so they wouldn't mix. "Let's start the candy trading!" (Y/n) said, Emma nodding in agreement. "Okay so I want some skittles and I'll trade that for my m&m's..?" Emma thought for a moment before saying yes, both of them switching. It went like that for a while before they both had the candies they liked.

(Y/n) and Emma decided to play monopoly to let the time pass, Emma winning so far. "Oh no!" (Y/n) said as he landed on Emma's property, Emma giggling. (Y/n) handed the last of his money while he looked at the floor. Emma took it and started doing her victory dance. (Y/n) played music and danced as well.

Their dance party was cut short when Emma was being called to go home. (Y/n) stopped the music while Emma started packing up. They both walked out of (Y/n)'s room going downstairs. Emma hugged (Y/n) while the bag of candy was in her hand. (Y/n) hugged back and said goodbye to Emma.

(Y/n) went back to his room, watching some halloween movies and some eating candy. He soon prepared to go to sleep, excited to see Emma in school.

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