Breakups (2)

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(I decided to give it to you guys early since I might not be able to post it later. Enjoy reading!)

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(Y/n) woke up from the light shining on his face he checked his phone and saw that it was 8AM there were also a few messages from Emily apologizing but he ignored it. He was about to go back to sleep until he felt someone move on top of him, he forgot that Emma was still sleeping on him. He admired the features on his face, how the sunlight makes her brown hair become lighter and the freckles on her face becoming much more visible up close. (Y/n) saw that Emma was furrowing her eyebrows which meant she was probably having a nightmare so (Y/n) started brushing Emma's hair with his hands and hugged Emma tighter which seemed to help Emma because her eyebrows stopped furrowing. Emma hugged (Y/n) back and had a small smile on his face even though she was still in her dream. (Y/n) was still hugging Emma and still brushing her hair until he started to drift off to sleep.

Emma woke up and looked at her phone which was near (Y/n)'s phone. She checked the time and saw that it was nearly 10AM. Emma was going to stand up but then someone hugged her tighter refusing to let her leave, Emma looked up to see (Y/n)'s face, so calm and at rest so she decided to just admire his face while he was sleeping. It wasn't long before (Y/n) connected eyes with his favorite pair of brown eyes. "Good morning Emma" (Y/n) said with a smile. She smiled back and said "Good morning to you too" (Y/n) was about to stand up but then Emma buried her head in (Y/n)'s chest "I don't want to get upp" Emma said, she didn't have anywhere to be today since it was a Sunday. (Y/n) chuckled, "We have to get up sometime, come on i'll cook pancakes." Emma loved (Y/n)'s pancakes so she knew she wouldn't be able to refuse that offer. She nodded happily and stood up so (Y/n) could get off the couch.

(Y/n) was cooking pancakes while Emma juiced some oranges. Once Emma and (Y/n) finished making their orange juice and pancakes, they placed it on the dining table. (Y/n) brought out some strawberries, blueberries, syrup, whipped cream and nutella since he knew that Emma liked eating strawberries with nutella. (Y/n) and Emma started eating when (Y/n) had an idea. He got some nutella and placed it on the strawberry, he was slowly nearing it to Emma's face and she realized that he was trying to feed her, she opened her mouth and then (Y/n) swerved and placed the strawberry in his mouth. Emma's mouth opened wider and a loud gasp escaped her lips, "(Y/n)!" Emma playfully slapped (Y/n)'s arm while he laughed. Emma thought of an idea and a small smirk fell on her lips when she got some nutella on her spoon and dipped her finger on it she was bringing it closer to (Y/n)'s face when (Y/n) realized what was going on and got out of his seat and started running, Emma followed behind him.

Now (Y/n) was on one side of the couch while Emma was at the other, Emma faked that she was going to the right and when (Y/n) moved to his right, Emma ran to her left. Emma got a hold of (Y/n) and started smearing the chocolate on his face. Emma kept smearing it on his face and (Y/n) was pushing her hand away which cause them to both fall on the couch. Once (Y/n) finally got a hold of Emma he pinned her arms at the sides of her head but Emma and (Y/n) were too busy laughing to realize he was on top of Emma. Their laughter died down and (Y/n) suddenly realized he was on top of her, he immediately got off of her and stood up. "Would you care to join me m'lady." (Y/n) said in a posh accent, "Oh yes I would" Emma said in the same accent.

When they made their way to the dining table, Emma grabbed a handkerchief and added some water to it. She sat beside (Y/n) and grabbed his face so that he would face her, Emma started wiping off the chocolate on his face. He focused on her beautiful brown eyes while Emma was cleaning his face. Once Emma finished, she looked at (Y/n) to see him already looking at her, she smiled and (Y/n) while he smiled back. They stopped staring at each other and went back to eating this time without distractions.

Emma just hung out in (Y/n)'s apartment since she would feel lonely if she went back to her own apartment. (Y/n) was washing the dishes even though Emma offered a bunch of times, since he wouldn't let her do the dishes so Emma looked around for games. She had found a game, it was cluedo she also found uno but she figured that they would do that next time. (Y/n) had finished the dishes seeing that Emma had found a board game, she was setting up the pieces on the living room table. (Y/n) walked towards Emma and they picked their characters.

It has been a few minutes of playing, smirks and getting each other distracted while the other thought of their move and so far Emma was winning. (Y/n) was secretly winning but he decided to play dumb and let Emma win since he loved seeing that smile on her face and that victory dance she does. Emma was going to start guessing and she guessed "Colonel Mustard, candlestick and ballroom" she went to check the cards you hide in the start of the game and she got it right, Emma jumped up and (Y/n) clapped. Emma started doing her victory dance while (Y/n) turned on some music and started dancing as well.

Emma and (Y/n) soon got tired dancing and they went to go to the kitchen to drink water. (Y/n) sat down on the counter while Emma grabbed some water for both of them, she handed (Y/n) his glass. Emma drank her water but she made the biggest mistake of leaving it in her mouth before looking at (Y/n) because (Y/n) started to do make her laugh. Emma couldn't hold in the water because it got her off guard which caused her to spit the water on him and that made her laugh even harder, soon (Y/n) laughed as well. Once they stopped laughing they cleaned up all the water on (Y/n)'s face, on the counter and floor.

Emma had to go but not before reminding (Y/n) about their plans to watch a movie. "(Y/n) don't forget that we still have that movie to watch" Emma said in a commanding but playful voice. "Yes ma'am, how is next Friday?" (Y/n) asked Emma which she responded with "That sounds good. Will you pick me up or will we meet up in the movie theater?" "No I think I'll be able to pick you up, I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't." (Y/n) said with the last sentence in his posh voice. "Oh such a gentleman aren't you Mr. (L/n)?" Emma responded with a posh voice too, "Yes I am" (Y/n) winked,
"Does this mean this is a date?" (Y/n) asked.
"Do you want it to be?" Emma asked back.
"I don't know, do you want it to be?"
"I don't know maybe?"
"Then it's a date" (Y/n) ended

(Y/n) walked Emma to her car. "Thank you for giving me a lovely time. really enjoyed it" Emma thanked. "No problem I'm always happy to give you company" (Y/n) smiled, Emma kissed him on the cheek and got in her car. She waved goodbye to (Y/n), he stayed there until Emma's car wasn't visible anymore. He went back inside his apartment and recalled his day like their food fight, their board game, their water spitting situation and their dance party, which was (Y/n)'s favorite part of the day, seeing Emma with that big smile on her face and her cheerful demeanor, he would gladly give the whole world to see Emma's smile. And that's when (Y/n) realized he didn't like Emma Watson, he was in love with her. Emma too realized that she had been in love with (Y/n) (L/n) that day. And she was silently thankful for having a "best friend" like (Y/n).

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(I can't decide which chapter is my favorite.)

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