Grand Central (2)

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(I see you guys liked the other chapter so here's the next!)

⚠️ Will make you feel more single ⚠️


(Y/n) parked in front of Emma's apartment. He took a deep breath and walked in front of her door.  He knocked the door and Emma opened it, hugging him immediately.

"I just saw you a while ago. Miss me much?" (Y/n) smirked. "That was on the tablet. It's not the same" Emma frowned hugging him tighter making (Y/n) laugh and hug back.

"Okay my personal monkey. I brought you something..."(Y/n) told her, making Emma unwrap her arms from him. He pulled out the food making Emma shout "Yes!" (Y/n) brought out the roses and handed them to her.

Emma gasped and looked at the roses. "Really?.." Emma asked him softly. "With all of my heart" (Y/n) said looking at her eyes, searching for any doubt or hesitation.

"Emma can I kiss you-"

"Shush." Emma said before pulling the back of his neck towards her. Their lips touched. They both felt like electricity rushed through their body. (Y/n) moved his lips slowly, Emma following as well. She swore that this would be one of her favorite moments with (Y/n).

After a few minutes of making out. (Y/n) and Emma pulled away trying to catch their breaths. Emma smiled at (Y/n) and gave him one last peck on the lips making (Y/n) blush.

(Y/n) was washing the dishes while Emma was finishing up her food. Emma started planning their date while (Y/n) listened to her voice. Every time he listened to her voice he knew that everything would be okay. It was just him and her against the world.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

(Y/n) was sitting down in his living room scrolling through his social media. Then there it was. People were saying that he physically hurt one of his fans. He frowned and assumed it was a mistake but then he saw more people accusing him.

(Y/n) called his manager asking what was going on. His manager said that they were going to handle it and he shouldn't try to interfere with the situation. (Y/n) being himself, he didn't listen and made a tweet explaining that he didn't do what he was accused of. His fans didn't believe him and continued spreading the fake news. (Y/n) didn't know what to do anymore so he decided to leave his manager to fix it. He really did want to help and fix the situation but how will they listen to him again.

(Y/n) was laying down on his couch trying to get the problem out of his mind until he received a call. "Hello?" (Y/n) asked.

"I told you not to interfere! Did you hear that?" His manager said frustratedly.

"Yes but-"

"Okay so you did hear it. But what did you do?"

"I interfered..." (Y/n) said begrudgingly.

"Yes you interfered! I told you not to do that! Now you made the situation harder than it already is. Just stay put and lay low now!" His manager shouted then ended the call. (Y/n) groaned and closed his eyes.

(Y/n) was on the verge of sleeping until there was a knock on his door. He stood up, walking to the door while rubbing his eyes. As soon as he opened it arms flung around him.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked him while rubbing his back comfortingly. (Y/n) sighed and pulled away. Emma frowned and put her hands on his face making him face her.

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