In-laws (2)

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(Hello! Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday. I went out but I finally posted part 2 of In-laws. Have fun reading!)

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It had been a weeks since (Y/n) had asked Chris in the restaurant. He had some doubts but he loved Emma too much to let those doubts get to his head. While Emma was in an interview, he asked Dan, Bonnie, Rupert and Evanna to come over to his house so he could tell them the big news.

They soon came one by one and after that, they were all there. "You guys have been my childhood best friends so I wanted to share the news to you guys first before I did it. This is a pretty big deal. No like this is huge and I-" Dan interrupted (Y/n) "Just say it (Y/n)." (Y/n) took a deep breath and finally said it "I'm proposing." (Y/n) said, They all shouted and squealed "OH MY GOD I BETTER BE A BEST MAN" Dan said hugging (Y/n) and jumping up in joy, soon (Y/n) joined in as well, them both squealing and jumping while hugging each other. Rupert recording them while they just laughed. Bonnie cleared her throat and said "Okay you girls, Dan move so I can hug (Y/n) as well" (Y/n) and Dan pulled apart and started doing a more masculine voice. "Mmm good luck man. Dude invite me" (Y/n) chuckled and also did a masculine voice "Oh yeah man definitely."

Bonnie just smacked the back of their heads and hugged (Y/n). Dan groaned from the pain "Bonnie why do you hit so hard", Bonnie pulled away and just shrugged. Evanna hugged (Y/n) and congratulated him. Rupert stopped recording and went to hug (Y/n) but then Dan intervened and hugged (Y/n) again. Rupert wasn't able to stop before Dan hugged him so it became a group hug, Bonnie and Evanna soon joined in.

Emma entered their house seeing them all in a group hug. She quietly walked towards them joining in the hug as well, they didn't notice she joined in. While they were pulling apart Dan said "I'm so happy (Y/n) you would make an- AHHHH" Dan saw Emma and almost let it slipped. "An amazing what?" Emma asked with a questioning look. "I said that he would make an amazing teammate to my new video game" Dan said, surprised at himself for thinking so quickly. (Y/n) whispered "Nice save" into Dan's ear patting his back.

They soon left since some of them had plans. It was now only Emma and (Y/n) in the house. (Y/n) looked at Emma. She was reading a book, oblivious to the staring of (Y/n) but she soon felt it and looked back at him. She raised an eyebrow silently asking what was wrong, he just whispered an 'i love you'. Emma smiled and whispered an 'i love you too'. (Y/n) went towards Emma, sat down on the couch and hugged her, Emma hugged back, loving the warmth of (Y/n).

It was around 2pm when (Y/n) asked Emma if she wanted to go out for dinner and she said yes. Now it was 5pm and (Y/n) was getting ready. He wore a navy blue suit and wore some brown shoes to go with his suit. He had a hard time tying his tie so he was going to ask Emma later. (Y/n) went to the living room pacing back and forth worrying if Emma would say yes or would she decline it and leave him. As these thoughts ran in his head, he didn't realize Emma going down the stairs, she wore a grey dress with some heels.

Emma saw the anxious expression on his face which caused her to look at him worried. She hugged him from behind, (Y/n) immediately melting into the hug. He turned around and hugged her tighter. (Y/n) soon pulled away and took in her appearance, "Wow. You look gorgeous like always, love." (Y/n) said with a smile. Emma smiled back and said "You look handsome yourself." and then Emma spotted (Y/n)'s tie, she chuckled and motioned for him to come closer to her and tied it for him. (Y/n) thanked her and held her hand kissing it before they walked out their house.

(Y/n) being the gentleman he is, opened the car door for Emma and Y/n) went in the car as well. He drove them to the restaurant which was not that far. They soon arrived and (Y/n) got out of his car, walking to Emma's side and opening the door for her as well. She took his hand and they made their way to the restaurant. When Emma entered she realized it was empty, she looked at (Y/n) and asked why, "(Y/n) why is it so empty?" (Y/n) just shrugged acting like he didn't reserve the whole place because he knew Emma would've wanted him to propose in private. The host walked them over to their table and (Y/n) pulled the seat for Emma, he sat down as well. Once they both ordered their food, they talked about Emma's interview. "It was great! I honestly wish you were there." Emma told him, "I promise I'll go to your next one if they'll allow me." Emma excitingly nodded and smiled. And then their food came, they ate as well as feeding each other.

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