Orlando (2)

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(Surpriseeee a part 2 on the same day!)

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(Y/n) opened his eyes when the sunlight was hitting his eyes. He checked his phone and saw the time, it was 7:00AM once he remembered his plans with Emma for today he took off the covers that were on him and started his day. He was brushing his teeth when a notification on his phone dinged, it was Emma telling him that she would be in the breakfast buffet the hotel offered, he told Emma that he would be there in 20 minutes. He happily rinsed his mouth and went to take a shower so that he would feel refreshed. After a few minutes he started to dress up, he wore an oversized beige sweatshirt, a white shirt underneath, jeans and his converse. He grabbed his room key, phone, watch and wallet and wore his watch as he walked towards the elevator.

(Y/n) had finally reached the place where they held the buffet. He was looking around when a person in the corner, waving caught his eye, it was Emma. He walked over to her and she had two plates in front of her, one filled with Emma's favorite breakfast food and the other with (Y/n)'s favorite breakfast food. "Wow Emma are you that hungry?" (Y/n) said along with a chuckle. Emma playfully slapped his arm and replied "Don't be silly the other plate is for you. I asked someone to get our food since I figured that we wouldn't want to be interrupted by anybody this early in the morning." (Y/n) nodded and thanked her then started to eat his breakfast. While eating, Emma and (Y/n) talked about all the places that they could go to while they were in Orlando. They finally finished eating and they decided to go to Legoland for the whole day. (Y/n) and Emma headed up to their rooms to go change for their day.

They both met up in the lobby and when (Y/n) saw Emma. He found her breathtaking even if she was just in casual wear, (Y/n) would always find Emma beautiful. "(Y/n)" Emma said while waving her hand in front of his face. He finally snapped out of his daze and averted his eyes somewhere else, "You look pretty" (Y/n) complimented. Emma felt flustered and didn't know what to say, "You look pretty too- I mean- Your hair- You look good yourself." (Y/n) laughed and held out his hand for Emma, Emma took it and they both made their way to their ride to Legoland.

Once they arrived (Y/n) opened the car door for Emma and took her hand. (Y/n) bought both of their tickets much to Emma's objection. "(Y/n) you shouldn't have bought my ticket, I had my own money." "It's alright plus I wanted to" (Y/n) sent Emma his most reassuring smile and pulled her to the entrance before she could say anything else. After a lot of rollercoasters, (Y/n) and Emma were on their way to dinner. He had chosen the table that was out of sight as to not attract any attention.

They both finished their meal and were on their way to the hotel since the hotel was hear the restaurant, (Y/n) figured that they should just walk since the night was beautiful and he also wanted to confess, which he of course didn't tell Emma just yet. Just as Emma was about to enter (Y/n) pulled her arm back and said "Actually I have something to tell you Emma" Emma just nodded as a sign for him to continue. "I like you. I have for a while now and I just couldn't stop thinking about you. That's the whole reason why I came here and to see you, I just needed to tell you how I felt. I know it's stupid to go all the way here but I needed to tell you-" at this point (Y/n) started rambling but Emma just smiled and cut him off with a kiss. (Y/n) was caught off guard and he soon melted into the kiss, the kiss that he have been wanting to do since he found out he liked Emma, the kiss that he had always dreamed of but the difference is that this kiss was better. They both pulled away and smiled at each other. "I don't think it's stupid that you went all the way here to confess it's honestly romantic that you went through all that trouble just so you could tell me you liked me, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I like you too" (Y/n)'s smile grew bigger and they both made their way inside the hotel.

Emma and (Y/n) spent their night cuddling while watching a movie. They both thought it was a great way to end the day. Now that (Y/n) knew Emma felt the same way, he had a feeling that everything would be okay now.

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(I hope you guys liked this one!)

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