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(I wasn't able to post a while ago since I spent time with my family but here it is. Enjoy reading!)

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(Y/n) and Emma took a big step in their relationship and moved in together but that was 2 years ago. Now (Y/n) was meeting Emma's parents, which was a pretty big deal for him. He didn't want to say anything stupid or embarrassing. (Y/n) wanted to postpone the meeting but Emma was really excited and he couldn't bear to tell her that. After (Y/n) brushed his mouth and dried his hair, he got his best suit and put it on. (Y/n) was in his room fixing his tie but he got frustrated with it and just left it around his neck. (Y/n) went downstairs and drank some water to relax his nerves.

Emma came out of the bathroom and saw (Y/n)'s messy appearance. She walked towards him and hugged him from behind. (Y/n) turned and hugged her back, "Are you okay?" Emma asked. "Yeah I'm totally fine. Who said I wasn't? I'm doing great. Does my suit look okay? Oh god I feel like I made a terrible choic-" (Y/n) got cut off with a pair of lips on his mouth, his eyes soon fluttered closed and he kissed back. Emma and (Y/n) pulled away when oxygen was needed, Emma said" That was the only was I thought of to shut you up." (Y/n) chuckled. Emma got a call from her dad and she was going to call him back later so she ended it but that's what she thought, she faced her phone down and put all her attention back to (Y/n) "Love, I think you look dashing, don't worry. If you want we could cancel and just meet them when you want?" Emma asked. (Y/n) didn't even have to think about it, "No, I think this is important for you and for me. Besides they're your parents, who wouldn't want to meet the people who raised you. The girlfriend who is not only beautiful she's also amazing, intelligent, generous and friendly. I love you and that includes your family too." (Y/n) smiled, Emma reciprocated the smile and muttered an 'i love you' before kissing (Y/n) again.

Emma fixed (Y/n)'s tie and hair. They were outside their house's door and (Y/n) kept complimenting Emma about how beautiful she looked, that Emma blushed very hard. "Did I tell you that you look so gorgeous in that dress and in general?" (Y/n) complimented, "(Y/n) stoppp if you keep complimenting me I'll be mistaken for a tomato." Emma whined. (Y/n) chuckled and said "Okay but only if I get a kiss before we enter the car.", "How could I reject such an offer." Emma gave (Y/n) a quick peck on the lips. Emma realized that he was not walking with her so she turned her head to see (Y/n)'s bored face. "Where's my kiss?" (Y/n) whined, "I just gave you one." Emma replied. "That was a peck not a kiss." (Y/n) pouted, Emma just laughed and walked back towards (Y/n) giving him a proper kiss at which (Y/n) smiled at. He carried her bridal style which made Emma squeal at the sudden motion. Emma was shouting for him to put her down but (Y/n) just kept walking towards the car.

Finally (Y/n) put Emma down. Despite Emma's angry complaints he gave her a passionate kiss on the lips to silence her. He opened the door for Emma, which was still in a daze, silently went in. (Y/n) sat in the driver's seat and drove them to the restaurant, where they were supposed to meet the parents of Emma.

They had finally reached their destination but Emma was still in a daze so she didn't hear (Y/n) calling her name. "Emma?" again no response "Emma?" (Y/n) waved his hands in front of her. Emma finally snapped out of her daze and looked at (Y/n), smiling. (Y/n) smiled back and said "Let's go? Wouldn't want to keep your parents waiting." Emma nodded on response and was about to open her car door when (Y/n) told her to wait in the car. (Y/n) walked all the way to the other side of the car and opened the car door for Emma, she always knew (Y/n) was a gentleman and she was happy to have that kind of boyfriend. (Y/n) held Emma's hand as they entered the restaurant.

They finally spotted Emma's parents and walked towards them. "Good Evening, Sir" (Y/n) said as he shook Chris' hand "You can call me Chris". "Well alright sir- I mean Chris" (Y/n) smiled. He went towards Jacqueline to shake her hand as well but instead she pulled him into a hug which (Y/n) gave back. "There's no need for formalities, dear and call me Jacqueline." Jacqueline said. They pulled apart and went to their tables. (Y/n) pulled out Emma's seat for her which Emma thanked him for and then they started ordering food.

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