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(wow you guys seemed to really like my last chapter so I decided to post one today. Thank you for the support I got. I love you all!)

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Emma and (Y/n) have been best friends since they were 16 years old. (Y/n) only figured out his feelings when they were both 18, when he saw her laugh at his joke during their graduation, to everyone it was only for a second but for (Y/n) it was in slow motion, he wanted to stay in that moment forever and that's when he realized he had feelings for Emma Watson. They were now 20 and Emma was in Orlando, Florida to get a sneak peek tour of the park of Harry Potter before it opened. (Y/n) decided he was going to surprise to Emma in Orlando and then confess since it was more sincere in person and he just couldn't hold in his feelings anymore.

He went to the airport and booked a flight to Orlando, Florida. He was stopped by a lot of fans since he was also a popular actor but sadly he was not part of the Harry Potter movies during the time. (Y/n) tried to hide himself so he wouldn't be spotted but unfortunately some fans saw him so he did some autographs because he was always nice and friendly to his fans, but he politely declined all the fans that wanted to take pictures with him since it would've ruined his surprise for Emma.

Once he boarded the plane, the stewardess asked him if he wanted anything and he declined. Emma started calling him to face time and he accepted. Emma was suspicious of the background, but since (Y/n) had gotten the type of chair that looked like a business chair he just said that he was checking out his friend's new office and it seemed that Emma believed it since she didn't bother asking anymore. "Hello! I missed you it's so boring without you by my side" Emma told (Y/n). His heart melted at the statement but decided to act like it was nothing so he simply just smiled and said "I missed you too! how was your day?" Emma replied with "I finished filming our sneak peak for the park and later I'm just about to explore Orlando, I wish you were here so you could explore the city with me." (Y/n) was about to tell her he'll be there soon but then he remembered she wasn't aware that he was going to go to Orlando to surprise her, he decided to act like he was sad "I wish I was there too" (Y/n) said. After that (Y/n) and Emma just talked about other things and soon (Y/n) felt sleepy so he apologized and told Emma he had to go but Emma understood so they just said goodbye to each other, Emma silently hoping she had more time to talk to him.

(Y/n) was shook awake by the stewardess, he thanked her, got his carryons and left the plane. (Y/n) got to the hotel he was staying in but he didn't know that it was the same hotel Emma was staying in so when he saw her in the lobby reading a book it was a shock to him and luckily he hid behind a wall before she turned her head. He made his back face Emma so she wouldn't be able to see his face if she ever looked behind her, he continued to walk to the receptionist so he could get his room key he even did some spy moves they do in the movies which resulted in him trying to do a somersault but he only got halfway and soon gave up when people started staring at him.

The receptionist gave (Y/n) his key card to his room and he sat on the couch in the lobby since he was waiting for them to fix up his room. It seemed that he forgot Emma was still there in the lobby chairs but thankfully Emma was so engrossed in her book to realize (Y/n) was sitting in front of her. Once (Y/n) realized he sat in front of Emma, his eyes widened and was about to stand up but then he took one look at her face and he started gazing at her. (Y/n) was busy looking at the features on Emma's face that he didn't realize Emma looked up from her book and to her surprise (Y/n) was there. She thought she was imagining it so she whispered his name before saying out loud "(Y/n)...(Y/n)?" He soon snapped out of his gazing and replied "Hi Emma! I didn't know you would be in this hotel". It seemed that Emma was still surprised that she couldn't form any sentences "I- how-". (Y/n) chuckled and said "Surpriseeeee I missed you and I said why not visit Emma-". He was soon cut off when Emma tackled him to the ground in a hug in which he returned. (Y/n) laughed and whispered "Emma people are staring and we might get surrounded by some paparazzis if we don't move", she soon stopped hugging (Y/n).

She asked him how long he was going to stay here and he told her that he would stay right by her side, Emma smiled at this and told him to go put his things in his room since she saw that he still had some luggage with him. Emma told (Y/n) to rest and meet up with her tomorrow for breakfast, before (Y/n) was about to object Emma had placed a kiss on his cheek and said goodbye to him, (Y/n) was still surprised by the sudden gesture but was able to wave goodbye to her.

Emma canceled all her exploring for the day so she could do it with (Y/n). Emma was so excited to take (Y/n) exploring like how she wanted. (Y/n) was also excited for tomorrow and he even planned on how he would confess, but for now he decided to let slumber take him, of course not before texting a goodnight to Emma at which Emma responded with a text telling him how excited she is now that he was there in the same city as her.

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(I hope you enjoyed this one! and Have a good day 😁)

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