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(This might be my favorite one so far. Enjoyyy!)

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(Y/n) and Emma had feelings for each other and they both didn't know that the other did.(Y/n) and Emma were also dating people so that might have been the reason why they never figured out their feelings for each other. Emma always liked (Y/n) but she never really realized it and (Y/n) always liked Emma too but the same as Emma, he never realized it. (Y/n) and his girlfriend, Emily were both going on a double date with Emma and her boyfriend, Max. Emma really didn't want to go because every time she see's (Y/n) and Emily she has this feeling like a uncomfortable pit in her stomach, which she didn't know was jealousy. (Y/n) also felt the same way about Emma and Max. They both didn't want to go but they both somehow agreed to having a double date.

They were both in the park just walking around until Emma saw (Y/n)."Hey (Y/n)" Emma said while walking towards him. (Y/n) looked up to see Emma, "Oh hey Emma!" (Y/n) smiled. They started talking to each other while until Emma brought up having dinner with Max. (Y/n) felt that uncomfortable feeling in his stomach and blurted out "You know we should have a double date sometime with you and Max and me and Emily." "That sounds like a great idea. Is about next Saturday, 7pm alright?" (Y/n) nodded. Emma also didn't know why she was saying all these words, she didn't know that she said these because she was feeling that same jealousy every time she heard Emily's name come out from (Y/n)'s name. So that's how they ended up in a double date together.

(Y/n) walked up to Emily's front door and pressed the doorbell. Emily answered the door but she wasn't alone, there was a man beside her. She wasn't wearing clothes to go out and eat instead she was wearing the man's shirt. (Y/n) furrowed his eyebrows and he felt a ball of pain in his chest, sure he had feelings for Emma but he still felt hurt. (Y/n) turned around and was walking to his car, "Look, (Y/n) I can explain." Emily said. "Explain what?! How you cheated on me? How it happened? How long this-" he motioned to both of them "-has been going on?? You know what Emily. We're done. Good bye." He went inside his car and drove away despite Emily shouting his name over and over again.

(Y/n) didn't go to the dinner, he messaged Emma that Emily was cheating on him and he was just going to stay at home. When Emma received his message she told Max and went to (Y/n)'s apartment not before going to pick up some food for him. Emma rang the doorbell and was met with a teary eyed (Y/n), she immediately hugged him. (Y/n) was surprised by the action but soon melted in to the touch. They pulled apart after a few minutes and Emma placed the food she bought on the counter. Emma brought out the food and put it in front of (Y/n) and her but she noticed that he was too sad to eat so Emma thought of a way to get him to eat. "(Y/n) if you eat, we can go to that watch that movie you've always watched to watch in the cinema" (Y/n) shook his head. Emma said "Please, For me?" (Y/n) reluctantly nodded and started eating.

Emma had gone home since it was late already. She went to Max's place because it was much more near than her apartment. Emma had a spare key that Max gave and she opened the apartment. She heard noises but she just assumed it was nothing, she placed the keys and her purse on the counter but as she kept going near the bedroom she heard the sounds getting louder. She opened the door to see Max and another girl on the bed. Max got surprised and he pushed the girl off of him and started dressing up. Emma didn't even want to hear it, she took her purse that was on the counter and walked away but she was stopped with a hand on her shoulder which she shook off. "Emma wait!" Max pleaded. "Look Max let me make this clear I don't want anything to do with you, don't call nor text me, don't talk to me. We're done." and with that Emma slammed the door shut making her way to the elevator. Her house was too far and it was already late so she went to (Y/n)'s apartment.

Emma arrived at (Y/n)'s apartment. She rang the doorbell and when (Y/n) opened she hugged him. "Max cheated on me" Emma said in between sobs that she had been holding in. (Y/n) was very angry with Max and wanted nothing more than to beat him up but he knew Emma wouldn't want him to do that, so he just hugged her back and walked to the couch while still hugging Emma. (Y/n) led her to the couch and told her to wait for him, Emma grabbed his arm telling him not to leave her. (Y/n) just told her that he would just grab something to make her feel better.

(Y/n) came back with ice cream and two spoons, he gave one spoon to Emma and opened the ice cream, he gave it to her. Emma took small bites while he was looking for a movie to watch. (Y/n) found them a movie, it was pitch perfect 1 which was (Y/n)'s favorite movie. (Y/n) knew Emma didn't really want to talk right now, he knew she needed some company and he did his best to keep her company. (Y/n) sat down and they kept exchanging the ice cream. (Y/n) scooped out some ice cream and ate it while admiring Emma's side profile. Emma turned to her right to see (Y/n) staring at her. Luckily the song cup song came up and (Y/n) started singing while looking at Emma, "I got my ticket for the long way round. Two bottle of whiskey for the way. And I sure would like some sweet company. And I'm leaving tomorrow, what do you say?" (Y/n) sang while looking at Emma, he stood up and offered her his hand. Emma took it and they started dancing to the song. They were both laughing and giggling. It wasn't long before the song ended. (Y/n) bowed and Emma played along and bowed as well, which they both laughed at.

(Y/n) and Emma continued watching the rest of the movie. They finished their ice cream and placed near the sink. Once the movie ended they both fell asleep, (Y/n) and Emma were both laying down in the couch, (Y/n) was hugging Emma and Emma was hugging him back. This had definitely distracted Emma and (Y/n) from their breakups.

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(I rewatched pitch perfect 1 for probably the hundredth time today. I loved this one and I hope you enjoy it. Stay safe!)

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