Unrequited feelings (2)

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Emma was sitting at her usual spot in the Bakery waiting for (Y/n). She didn't know why (Y/n) invited her but she hope it was that one reason she had been waiting for since forever.

'Oh I really do hope he finally asks me out. It's been years!' She smiled excitedly in her mind. Emma placed a piece of cake in her mouth doing a small dance. The thoughts of (Y/n) asked her out was filling her mind making her grin even more.

A guy who looked really familiar greeted me. "Hi Emma! It's me Colin!" He said happily. My eyes widened.

'Colin was one of my friends in college and I haven't seen him since. He moved abroad in the middle of a semester. (Y/n) and him met im college and they were bestfriends ever since. Colin was like a little brother to me even though he was 2 months younger I considered him as my little brother.'

'Colin asked for my number so he could plan a get together with all our friends. Of course, I agreed. I haven't been in touch with everyone due to my busy job.'

"Colin sit down with me!" Emma said pointing at the seat in front of her. He agreed, wanting to catch up with Emma.

"So how has (Y/n) been?" Colin asked.

"He's doing good. Actually, he's coming here so let's wait and surprise him." Emma smiled.

"Oooooh is he finally asking you out-" Colin's eyes widened at what he said and covered his mouth. Emma laughed at him. Colin laughed at his carelessness.

"Maybe..?" Emma said unsure. She was having doubts since (Y/n) still wasn't there. Colin slowly stopped his laughing and gave Emma a small and encouraging smile.

"You know how much he likes you." Colin places his hands over Emma's shoulders and shook her.

"Okay okay! I'm getting dizzy!" Emma giggled. Colin stopped shaking her.

"He'll probably burst through those doors in a second-" Colin said being cut off by the small tiny bells attached to the door dinged, signaling someone had entered or left. Colin and Emma immediately looked at the entrance to see no one was there.

After a few hours Colin talked about anything other than (Y/n) so that Emma wouldn't be anxious.

Emma glanced at the window and saw that it was dark out. She looked at her watch and it was 7pm, still no (Y/n).

"Im so stupid" Emma disappointedly, looking down at her lap.

Colin frowned. 'Damn it (Y/n). Where are you?' He said in his head.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

Yes there was a part 2 :)

Emma Watson OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now