Ice Skating

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(I miss ice skating with my friends so I decided to write a chapter about it.)

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Emma and (Y/n) were walking around when they saw this really big ice skating rink. Emma loved going ice skating when she was little so now she wanted to do it with (Y/n). (Y/n) on the other hand was not a good ice skater, so Emma was determined to teach him.

Emma asked (Y/n) if he wanted to go ice skating, he seemed a bit hesitant, but when Emma did her puppy eyes he knew he wouldn't be able to say no so he obliged to her request. Emma rented some ice skating shoes for both of them and helped (Y/n) put his on since he had a hard time tying his.

Once they put on their shoes they started going on the rink hand in hand. Emma guided (Y/n) around the rink and (Y/n) tried his best to catch up. Emma let go of (Y/n)'s hands to see if he could skate on his own, (Y/n) had trouble at first but then started getting used to it. He started skating faster and faster but Emma forgot to teach him how to stop. He tried but he couldn't and unfortunately there was a child that was in his way. Emma tried to catch up but he was all the way on the other side of the rink. Thankfully, (Y/n) managed to stop in time before he hit the child. (Y/n) looked for the mother of the child, once he found her, he gave the child to her and the mother thanked him profusely.

Emma skated towards (Y/n) and handed him a water jug. "Well that was scary" (Y/n) said along with a chuckle while he took the water jug from Emma's hands. Emma smiled and replied "Very. Do you want to stop and just watch movies at home and order Chinese food?", (Y/n) nodded while he was drinking his water. With the help of Emma they made it out of the ice skating rink. They gave back their rented ice skating shoes and headed home. Apparently a fan took a photo of them hand in hand skating, (Y/n) and Emma weren't mad that someone took a photo, instead they were actually glad that they had a picture of this experience.

Once they've arrived home Emma ordered some Chinese food and (Y/n) picked the movie. They were glad to spend the day together and (Y/n) was definitely going to try ice skating again after a few lessons from Emma of course.

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(I hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

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