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It had been years since Emma last saw (Y/n). The last time she did see him was when he left for the military. She would never forget the last look (Y/n) gave him. It was full of love. She knew that he wanted to stay.

It was so perfect. Them, on a sunday afternoon, (Y/n) cooking then burning the food. Emma would laugh at (Y/n)'s pouting face then would order food to cheer him up.

Emma could just picture it as she walked down the aisle, all she could think about was "what if."

Emma looked to her side and found her dad smiling at her, then she looked back to her soon-to-be husband. The next thing she knew, they reached the officiant. Her dad gave her a wink and sat down along with her loved ones.

Emma turned her head to her spouse. He was amazing, kind, loyal, humorous...but he wasn't (Y/n).

'Am I seriously second-guessing this??' Emma shook her head, and tried to pay attention to the officiant.


Emma was at her favorite bakery. She knew the dessert she wanted to get, but there was only one left. She prayed that the person in front of her wouldn't get the last piece.

Suddenly her train of thought disappeared when she heard a the ring of her phone. Emma blinked for a while until she realized it was hers. She answered it.

"Emma here. Who's this?"

"Ems It's Bonnie!"

"Bonnie? Gosh I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?"

"I'm doing great! Thank you."

Emma glanced at the person in front of her. He hasn't chosen anything yet which was a good thing since Emma was still busy to state her order.


"Oh right! Sorry. I wanted to invite you to my wedding."

"Your wedding?"

"Yup! I'm getting married!"

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations by the way"

"Thank you, how about you? What's going on in your life?"

"Well mine isn't as interesting as yours. I try to spread awareness for climate change, feminism, important issues. But right now I'm trying to fall in line to get this one last piece of delicious red velvet cupcake that i've been craving for all day. I really do hope no one would take it."

Emma stared at the back of the stranger with the brown coat in front of her. She swore she saw him laugh but just brushed it off.

Bonnie laughed, "Surely no one would take your cupcake. And I'm really proud of you by the way."

Emma smiled, she knew Bonnie couldn't see it, but it was just really nice that her friend from years ago called and asked her how her day was.

She looked back to the counter, and saw the cashier patiently waiting for her. Emma's eyes widened and gave an apologetic look to the cashier, but they just gave her a smile and a nod.

"Thank you so much really. Look- uh I have to go, but I'll call you back okay?"

"Yeah of course. Bye!"


Emma looked through their dessert options, and found out that her cupcake was sold out. She sighed and just ordered a coffee. The cashier smiled and gave her the take out coffee she ordered and...her cupcake?

Emma Watson OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now