𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦 #2

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Emma was baking a cake while (Y/n) watched her. Emma let (Y/n) mix the batter while she prepared the oven.

(Y/n) was determined to do the one job he got perfectly. His tongue poked out as he swiftly mixed the batter.

Emma turned back to look at (Y/n) to see him adorably wrapping one arm to hug the bowl while using his other arm to mix.

Emma brought out her phone and took a photo of (Y/n). "Hey!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Is the batter done?" Emma asked (Y/n) while placing her phone down, ignoring his protests.

"Hmm" (Y/n) smirked as he got a mischievous idea. "Oh I don't know" He shrugged.

"You tell me" (Y/n) dipped his finger in the batter.

"(Y/n)!-" Emma was about to scold him but stopped as she felt (Y/n) tapping her nose with the finger covered in batter.

"Oh you're on" Emma said as she dipped two of her fingers in the batter. (Y/n) ran away and Emma followed in suit.

They might not have been to give anybody else a taste of their cake but at least they gained a great food fight out of it.

Emma Watson OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now