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It was early in the morning and (Y/n) was baking a cake. He had left Emma alone on their bed. He felt bad but he wanted to surprise Emma on her birthday.

(Y/n) got all the ingredients and placed them on the counter. He placed the mixer on the kitchen table and plugged it in.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

Emma reached out to the empty bed space over her. She looked at the time and huffed. "It's 6am in the morning, what could he possibly be doing?" she mumbled.

Emma walked down the stairs to see (Y/n) standing in the living room placing all the ingredients in the mixer. His back was turned so he wasn't able to see someone coming down the stairs.

Emma walked behind (Y/n) and hugged him. He stiffened a little but melted into the touch.

"What are you doing up?" (Y/n) spoke to the girl behind her while he cleaned the mixer.

"The bed felt empty." Emma whined making (Y/n) snicker.

(Y/n) plugged it and set the machine to 5 while Emma hugged him. The mixer was increasingly getting faster and batter started going everywhere.

"(Y/n)! Turn it off!" Emma pulled away from (Y/n), trying to cover her face. (Y/n) rushed to turned it off. He pressed the button that sets it to zero and the machine started slowing down until it stopped moving.

"Why- How- What?" (Y/n) said handing Emma a tissue.

"I think you set it wayyy to high" Emma said. Emma looked at all the batter on (Y/n) face and started laughing. He looked like a cake puked all over him.

"Ha ha ha very funny" (Y/n) gave her a sarcastic smile and took some tissue to clean his face as well.

"You got a little something..." Emma wiped the small bit of batter on the corner of his lips. "There, all better" She gave her a smile which was the most adorable smile ever in (Y/n)'s opinion.

'I love this girl so much' He said in his head.

"I love you too" Emma cheekily smiled. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and he covered his mouth.

"Did I say that out loud..."

Emma nodded laughing. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

They both cleaned up the mess which was all over the floor, table and walls. Emma cleaned the last bit of mess while (Y/n) placed back the ingredients.

Once (Y/n) was done, he leaned on the kitchen counter.

"We are never doing that again-" Emma smiled noticing (Y/n) was staring at her. "Whaaat?"

"Nothinggg" (Y/n) walked over to Emma while she eyed him suspiciously.

"Hmm...okay lets go back to sleep?" Emma gave him her best and most convincing puppy eyes.

(Y/n) gave in, "Alright, let's go back to sleep." Emma jumped to him and luckily (Y/n) quickly caught her.

"Up and away!" She pointed at their bedroom which was a floor above them. (Y/n) laughed at his girlfriend.

"Okay the birthday girl gets what she wants" (Y/n) carried her all the way to their bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. When he was about to pull away, Emma grabbed his wrist and pulled him on the bed with her. They both laughed when (Y/n) almost fell at the force.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

They were both on the bed in silence. It was one of the best things in their relationship. They don't have to talk to enjoy each other's presence.

(Y/n) frowned, thinking about the cake he was supposed to make for Emma. He felt bad that he wasn't able to make it. It was important to him that he was finally going to give Emma a handmade gift. He usually just bought her jewelry and other things so the cake would be the first handmade thing he gave her.

Emma looked at (Y/n) to see he was frowning. She already knew what he was thinking about.

"You know...we can always make another cake" She gave a supportive smile. (Y/n) nodded smiled back at Emma.

"Shhhh now sleep, you made me wake up too early" Emma closed (Y/n)'s eyes with her fingers. She placed her other hand on his mouth making it seem like he was kidnapping him

(Y/n) laughed through Emma's hand. "Emma you're putting me to sleep not holding me hostage" (Y/n) gently took her hands off his face.

"Same thing" She mumbled. (Y/n) snickered at her.

"Oh yeah totally" He nodded. (Y/n) wrapped his arms around her and placed her head on his chest protectively. Emma happily hugged him back.

"Best birthday ever" Emma whispered.

"It hasn't even started" (Y/n) looked down at the girl.

"Still it's already great" Emma looked at him feeling his eyes on her. "Dont expect me not to tell that story to Dan and Rupert later"

"Oh no please don't!"

Emma smirked, closed her eyes and hugged him tighter. "No promises" She whispered lowly.


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This oneshot is in honor of our wife's birthday. 😌

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