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"(Y/n) take that stubble off!" Emma held a razor in one hand as she chased (Y/n). As you can see, Emma was trying to convince (Y/n) to shave but (Y/n) being stubborn, he decided to piss off Emma.

"Hey Hey Hey! Didn't your mom ever tell you to never run with sharp objects!" (Y/n) shouted as he ran to one side of the dining table.

"She also told me to never marry someone stubborn but here we are!" Emma tried to run to the other side of the table but (Y/n) moved quickly, which made them switch their positions.

"I take great offense to that!" (Y/n) complained. Emma rolled her eyes at his childishness. She tried to swerve to the right and trick (Y/n) but unfortunately he was quicker.

"Aha! Too slow!" (Y/n) stuck his tongue out to mock Emma. But instead of Emma paying attention, she quickly ran to (Y/n) and pinned him on the ground.

"Aha! Too cocky!" Emma smirked triumphantly. (Y/n) rolled his eyes and gave in.


(Y/n) grumbled as he stood in front of the mirror, staring into where his stubble laid before. "I don't get it. Dan liked my stubble." He whined to Emma who was sitting in the living room enjoying her book.

"Yeah well Dan doesn't have to kiss you. Now does he?" Emma said as her eyes scanned the words on her book.

"You don't know that." (Y/n) mumbled.

"What was that?" Emma lifted her head.


Bromance 😎

I was joking about forgetting to post this but I actually forgot 🥲 SORRY YALL

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