Unrequited Feelings (3)

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Emma and Colin parted their ways after paying for their food and drinks. Emma was on her way driving home. She was extremely exhausted. Whether (Y/n) was going to arrive or not, it was absolutely messing with her mind.

Emma stared at the last stop light before it would reach her house. She tapped the steering wheel of her car as her mind wandered to (Y/n). 'How could he? He has never once in his life ever ditch me. He didn't even bother to message me that he wouldn't come.'

Emma was snapped back out of her thoughts from the beeping of the cars. She hadn't noticed the light had turned green. She made a quick change of plans. Emma drove to (Y/n)'s place instead of hers.

Emma parked her car in the empty spot beside (Y/n)'s car. She got out of her car and stood in front of (Y/n)'s door. Emma didn't want to knock in case (Y/n) was sleeping, so she called out his name in case.

"(Y/n)!" Emma lightly knocked on the door as to not disturb his neighbors. "(Y/n) I'm coming in!"

Emma rummaged through her bag to find the spare key (Y/n) gave her years ago. Once Emma had found the key, she used it to unlock his door.

Emma entered the pitch dark house, the only source of light was from the tv that was playing the show Emma recognize to be (Y/n)'s favorite. She looked for the switch near the kitchen.

"Aha" Emma said once her hand found the button to turn on the lights. She looked around the living room and looked at the couch. It was the exact person she was looking for. She was about to wake him up until he saw that he was... crying?

Emma looked for any pillows around but it seems like it was laundry day so there were no pillows to support (Y/n)'s head. She gently lifted his head and sat down. She placed (Y/n)'s head on her lap so that he could use it as a pillow.

(Y/n) subconsciously grabbed Emma's arm to hug it. He buried his head in his arm as if it was a pillow. Emma blushed and looked away.

"What are you doing here?" (Y/n) mumbled. Emma's eyes widened when she heard the low and raspy voice of (Y/n).

"I- I didn't see you today. I got worried." Emma brushed his head to the side in order to see his eyes.

"Please stop that" (Y/n) whispered. Emma was stunned, she immediately lifted her hand away from his face and pushed her hair back.

"Why are you acting like this?" Emma spoke worriedly. She and (Y/n) both showed their love by physical touch. It was a known fact to all of their friends, so now that (Y/n) told her to put her hand away had baffled her.

(Y/n) let go of her arm and lifted his head from her lap. He sat down properly and rubbed his eyes. "It's your fault" He huffed.

"How is if my fault?"

"Because you can't just go around giving your numbers to strangers and asking them to eat with you!" (Y/n) spoke.

"What?" Emma looked confused. (Y/n) glanced at Emma then sighed.

"The bakery"

Emma's mouth formed an o shape. At least now she was caught up but she still didn't understand why that would bother (Y/n). It seems like (Y/n) read her mind because he continued explaining.

"You just...can't keep doing that. It breaks my heart that you can give your number like that so easily." (Y/n) said so softly that if Emma wasn't right beside him, she wouldn't have heard it.

Emma was still confused, "I'm in love with you Emma. I don't understand how you don't see that. Even strangers have seen the way I look at you. Every girl that would try to as me out would not even be 5 feet near me and they would turn their backs because I'd only be looking at you..."

It was a few minutes of silence. "Emma please say something." Emma still wasn't speaking so (Y/n) stood up but was stopped by Emma grabbing his wrist. She pulled him to sit with her.

"Why couldn't you just say that." Emma looked at (Y/n). "This would've made everything so much easier if you just told me you had feelings for me too."

"I did. I wanted to do it today but then- then there was this guy. He asked for your number and when you gave it to him, I just couldn't take it" (Y/n) looked at his lap, avoiding any sort of eye contact with Emma.

Emma frowned and threw herself to hug (Y/n). (Y/n)'s back landed on the cushion with a thud.

"Ouchh. Totally worth it." (Y/n) groaned at the familiar person on top of him. Emma laughed at (Y/n), who was acting like he was just hit by a bomb.

(Y/n) looked back up to Emma and gave her a bored expression. "What are you laughing at hmm?" He tickled her sides. Emma laughed uncontrollably.

"Stop!" Emma laughed trying to push his hands away.

"Promise you won't go around giving your numbers to strangers." (Y/n) said as he continued tickling her sides.

"Okay! Yes!" Emma managed to say. (Y/n) pulled his hands away and smiled at her while Emma tried to catch her breath.

It was pure silence so Emma looked back down at (Y/n) who was still underneath her. He was smiling at her and there was sparkle in his eyes that Emma couldn't point out what it was but it was just...there.

"Why hello" She spoke with the genuine grin (Y/n) had always known and loved.


They stared at each other's eyes. It wasn't the uncomfortable scary type. It was the comforting type. The type where you feel like you're sharing all your secrets without speaking one single word.

(Y/n) stared at Emma's beautiful brown ones that held so much curiosity for what was to come while Emma stared at (Y/n)'s mysterious ones, the ones that only shined for her.

(Y/n) broke the silence and looked away. "Ooookay as much as I'm enjoying this I can't breathe." (Y/n) said. Emma snickered and hugged him. She put her head on his chest.

"Fine. I guess I'm dying like this then" He muttered under his breath.

Emma snickered, "Yes, yes you are." She hugged him tighter. She was about to drift off until (Y/n)'s voice stopped her from doing so. "What are we?"

"We can be whatever you want us to be" Emma kept her eyes closed but whispered back.

"Okay then, my girlfriend" (Y/n) flashed his charming smile. Emma looked up and smiled back. She pecked his cheek and placed her head against his chest once more.

"Oh and that guy who asked my number was Colin" Emma said before she went to sleep.


But no response from Emma.


None again.


Absolute silence except this time Emma subconsciously hugged him tighter. (Y/n) sighed and gave up. He wrapped his arms around Emma to keep her from falling off the couch and drifted off to sleep as well.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

I was just kidding. I realized that I never did an April Fools Day Prank, so even though i'm late this is the prank! 🎉

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