Reading Marathon

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Today, (Y/n) and Emma were spending their afternoon at home. They didn't have much plans seeing as it was the pandemic. Both shared a mutual love for books so what better way to spend their day than have a reading marathon.

Which leads them to where they are now, Emma laying on a pillow while her legs rested on (Y/n)'s lap. Emma finished about 3 books in the last 5 hours while (Y/n) was still in his second book. (Y/n) pushed up his reading glasses and flipped through the pages. He couldn't help but look how Emma was doing.

"Oh that's just rubbish" Emma muttered to herself but (Y/n) heard it making him snicker.

It took him a moment before he took in Emma's messy appearance. She had her brown hair in a messy bun and her glasses were resting a few inches near the edge of her nose. Her eyebrows furrowed in disbelief from the character's choices but it made (Y/n) flustered.

"Why?" (Y/n) said out loud still staring at Emma.

"Hmm?" Emma lifted her head but still kept her eyes on her book. (Y/n) groaned making Emma focus all her attention on him. "Are you okay love?"

"Why are you so adorable?" (Y/n) quickly covered himself with his book before Emma saw his face turning red. Emma smirked and sat up properly, her legs being lifted from his lap. She placed her book down on their coffee table.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. What did you say?" Emma asked as she stared at the back of (Y/n)'s book. She loved that even after years of being together she still had an effect on (Y/n).

"Don't make me repeat itt" He whined but it just made Emma snicker.

"Cmon say it againn" Emma gently took away his book while (Y/n) allowed her to.

"I said you look adorable" (Y/n) quickly looked to his right and suddenly found the patterns of their floor interesting.

"Aweee I don't know what's cuter. You finding this embarrassing or finding me adorable." Emma teased.

"I am not embarrassed" (Y/n) huffed, still looking at the floor.

"Oh yeah? Look at me then." Emma challenged with a smirk.

"I will! three business days" (Y/n) told her. Emma laughed at this.

"Since you're not willing to look at me..." Emma grabbed her book and went back to her original reading position. " means I'm right"

(Y/n) quickly turned his head and looked Emma. "Wha- No!" He grabbed the book Emma was holding at looked at Emma's eyes.

"That's better." Emma grabbed the side of his face and pulled him closer to her. She closed her eyes gave him a passionate kiss. (Y/n) fluttered his eyes closed as well and returned the kiss.

Emma pulled away and grabbed the book from his hands. She opened her book and returned to reading as if nothing happened while (Y/n) was leaning over her in disbelief.

"You can't just-"

"I can and I just did"

(Y/n) groaned at Emma. He huffed and went back to his seating position a while ago. (Y/n) took his book from the table and opened it back to the page where he left off, but not before grumbling under his breath. Emma heard it and laughed under her breath. She reached for her phone sitting beside her and messaged (Y/n).

Husband ❤️

Em: Loveeee

(Y/n) heard a ding from his phone and reached out. He saw that Emma texted him.

Em: !

Husband ❤️: ?

Em: I love youuu

Husband ❤️: ok

Em: That doesn't sound good.
Are you still mad?

Husband ❤️: No what makes you say that.

Em: (Y/n) terms
"ok" means: I'm mad
and "okay" means: im not
Read 5:31


Emma looked up from her phone and saw (Y/n) was back to reading his book. She sighed and set her phone down. She went over to hug (Y/n) and he stiffened.

'Stay strong (Y/n). Don't hug back.' He thought to himself.

"Stop being grumpy and hug me back" Emma muttered against his sweater. (Y/n) heavily sighed. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Emma but once he did, he melted into her touch. They spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling, reading marathon forgotten.

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