Breakups (3)

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(Hey guys! This is the final part for Breakups, it might be a little too long, sorry. I hope you enjoy nevertheless!)

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Time moved very slow for (Y/n) and Emma. But at last, it was finally Friday for them which meant today was their date. They had decided to watch it at around 5pm so that they would be able to eat dinner afterwards. It was 3pm and Emma and (Y/n) were freaking out. Right now (Y/n) had called Daniel Radcliffe, his best friend, to help him decide on what to wear for his and Emma's date.

"(Y/n) that looks great on you, just wear that" Daniel suggested. "It's great but is it awesome? It needs to be perfect." (Y/n) said. "I think so...But you do look great in it" Daniel told (Y/n), (Y/n) smiled and said "Okay then this is it." (Y/n) was wearing a plain white shirt, with ripped jeans and a beige trench coat with his white shoes. They decided to play some video games until 4:00pm since (Y/n) had to go pick up Emma and Emma's place was far.

Meanwhile Emma was trying in the dresses she had in her closet, a lot of clothes were scattered all over the floor. Bonnie was there to tell Emma if her outfit was good like what Dan did for (Y/n). Bonnie found a black shirt and some jeans for Emma to wear. She told Emma to put it on, Emma came out of the bathroom and showed Bonnie. "There's something missing." Bonnie said while looking at her closet then she spotted a gray coat. "Ah here put this on" She said as she gave the coat to Emma. Emma put the coat on and looked at the mirror. "Yes! This looks good. I think this is the one" Emma said happily, Bonnie just smiled. "Thank you Bonnie, so much." She hugged Bonnie and then they just talked while waiting for (Y/n) to arrive.

It was time for (Y/n) to pick Emma up so Dan came along since he was going to hang out with Bonnie. (Y/n) and Dan went in the car and Dan played a song it was single ladies. Dan was about to sing but then he realized that (Y/n) was in the car too so he reached to skip the song but then (Y/n) slapped his hand and started singing to it. "Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it. If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it." (Y/n) sang and then Dan came in and sang "Don't be mad once you see that he want it. If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.", (Y/n) made the volume higher and sang the rest with Dan. "THIS IS WHY YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND." Dan said loudly since the music was loud, (Y/n) just grinned and kept singing.

After a while of singing other songs they finally arrived Emma's apartment. They both used the elevator and stood in front of her door, (Y/n) knocking, "Emma it's (Y/n)-" "And Dan!" Dan cut off (Y/n). Emma opened the door smiling and hugging both of them, she let them in and Bonnie hugged both of them too. Emma suddenly remembered that she had to pick some shoes she told Bonnie and they said they would be right back. They both sat down on the couch, it was silent until (Y/n) started humming the tune of single ladies then Dan sang the lyrics, Dan stood up and tired dancing it but (Y/n) chuckled and said "You're doing it wrong". (Y/n) stood up as well and demonstrated shaking his hips. Dan did it as well while they both shook their hands.

Emma and Bonnie came back and saw them dancing with their backs turned to them so they didn't realize they were there. Emma pulled out her phone and started recording them, both of them hiding their laughs. Bonnie whistled and both Dan and (Y/n) turned to see Emma stopping her recording and Bonnie laughing. "That was hilarious. You guys could join a dance group." Bonnie said in between laughs. "Maybe we should.." (Y/n) looked at Dan but Dan was already looking at him, both of them with questioning looks. Emma interrupted and said "Okay we're ready let's go for our movie (Y/n)", (Y/n) nodded and took her hand in his and walked out of the apartment with Bonnie and Dan following behind them. They said their goodbyes to Dan and Bonnie when they reached the car.

(Y/n) opened the car door for Emma then walked to the driver's seat. He started the car and drove to the cinemas. They both talked about how their day was, and soon they reached the cinemas. (Y/n) bought their tickets and also some popcorn to share. They both entered the cinema, and looked for their seats. After a few minutes, the movie started. Emma didn't know it was a horror since (Y/n) bought their tickets, all she knew was that (Y/n) had always wanted to watch that movie.

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