"Emma is better at Minecraft"

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(Y/n) was sitting on the couch, playing minecraft by himself. Emma was beside him but she was reading a book. She would've played with (Y/n) but she wasn't familiar with the game.

Emma closed her book watching (Y/n) press buttons and move the joy sticks. After a while she wanted to join.

"(Y/n)," Emma said but (Y/n) was too concentrated on the tv. "(Y/nnnn)," She dragged out. Emma finally got his attention.

"Yeah?" (Y/n)'s eyes were still on the screen. He was fighting off mobs and he knew that if he looked away even just for a second, he would loose all his hearts and start from square one.

"I want to play with youuu" Emma said, hands on his shoulders, shaking him.

"Oh! You finally want to play with me?" (Y/n) said excitedly. He quickly saved his game then started creating a new world.

"Yeah wait- finally?? I've always wanted to play that game" Emma spoke grabbing the other controller that was placed near the console.

"I didn't know that." He grinned. He was happy that Emma decided to play the game with him. (Y/n) thought that she was always uninterested since she was on her phone or reading her books most of the time.

(Y/n) chose survival. He set the difficulty as normal, then made sure there was no cheats. Now there was only one thing left, "What should we name the world?" He asked Emma.

"Emma is better at minecraft." Emma replied. (Y/n) lifted his eyebrow but continued to place that as the name.

The world was created. Although, Emma's character was still looking up. She moved the wrong joystick and now she was walking forward while still looking up. (Y/n) was slightly laughing. Emma accidentally jumped off a high place and her character made a noise. "Aw No!" Emma said looking at her now, 9 hearts. That made (Y/n) burst out laughing.

"Just- stop- moving-" He said in between laughs. Emma glared at him. Once he calmed down, he taught Emma how to move her character properly. Emma made her character sprint around. "You'll get hungry really quickly if you keep doing that." He said. Emma mocked him and continued to sprint.

"Emma where are you? Never mind just cut down some trees with me" (Y/n) told her.

"I don't know where you are" Emma said as she was jumping over blocks.

"Use your map. Its where your inventory is." (Y/n) told her. He was still hitting the wood.

"What map...Oh! That one. I accidentally threw that." Emma shrugged and climbed the trees.

"Just get us some more wood." (Y/n) sighed.

"Ooookay" Emma said.

After a while, (Y/n) used his map to find Emma. She was hitting the tree but she wasn't holding down the button long enough. "Emma you're supposed to hold down on the button." He spoke.

"Oh! So that's why! I thought that if it made a noise it meant I already got the wood." Emma held the button and grinned. She got one block of wood and ran to (Y/n). Emma was actually supposed to get more but (Y/n) didn't want to ruin her accomplishment.

"Here you go" She accidentally hit (Y/n) instead of dropping it. "Sorry!" She said quickly.

"It's okay. Just do this." He showed Emma his controller and demonstrated how to drop things. Emma dropped the piece of wood, her smile getting bigger when (Y/n) told her she did a great job. (Y/n) saw this and smiled back as well.

He made two swords for them. "Emma! Here's your sword." He dropped the item and Emma picked it up. "Let's go hunt down some animals" (Y/n) said.

"Is that necessary? I feel bad for them. I mean look at that sheep right there! It's so adorableee" Emma said.

"We have to or else we'd get killed" (Y/n) told her. Emma sighed then nodded. She walked beside (Y/n)'s character. He sprinted towards the sheep and used his hands to hit it since the sword was only for emergencies and it could break easily. The sheep died and left a block of wool.

"Oh there's another animal!" Emma ran to this dog like creature and hit it. The animal's eyes turned red and Emma took that as a sign to run away. "(Y/n)...(Y/N)! HELP ME! THIS RED EYED CREATURE IS TRYING TO KILL ME. ITS LIKE WHEN YOU ACCIDENTALLY COMPLIMENT A DEVIL AND NOW HE'S HUNTING YOU DOWN." Emma screamed. (Y/n) broke out into laughter.


"Use your sword Emma!" (Y/n) said. Emma was trying to equip her sword but instead dropped it. She couldn't wait for her character to pick it up since the dog was chasing her. Her character was hungry and started walking. "RUN! GOD DAMMIT RUN!" Emma shouted at the screen.

"See this is why you shouldn't have kept running." (Y/n) laughed. Emma scoffed.

"This isn't time for an 'i told you so'- OH DEAR GOD. IT'S HITTING ME!" Emma shouted. Their neighbors are sure enjoying their "peaceful" day. Emma was down to 4 hearts. There were more wolves joining in, with the same red eyes as the one she hit. They took turns hitting her. "NO!"

"Hit them back Emma!" (Y/n) tried to run to her. Emma had very few hearts left. The wolf hit her one more time. She thought she had died but she still had half a heart left.

"NOOOOOOOOOO- oh wait I'm still aliv-" Emma got cut off by a wolf hitting her once more making her character die.

"NO!" Emma shouted. She stood up and threw the controller on the couch and then she slumped down on the one seater, arms cross with a grumpy look.

(Y/n) paused the game and looked at the pouting Emma. He walked in front of her and kneeled down to her level.

"Well aren't you adorable." (Y/n) said with a smirk. Emma groaned and turned her head to the right, avoiding (Y/n)'s eyes.

"Silent treatment now?" (Y/n) asked softly. Emma frowned more and nodded. Emma looked really upset but in (Y/n)'s eyes, she looked like a kitten having its food taken away. This made (Y/n) chuckle and start peppering Emma with kisses.

"(Y/nnnn) stop. I'm supposed to be mad at you." Emma said fighting back a smile. However, (Y/n) caught on and pecked the corner of her lips.

"Well if you're going to kiss me then might as well do it properly." Emma told him.

Emma placed her hands at the back of his neck and pulled him in for a slow, sweet, passionate kiss. They pulled away and grinned at each other.

"Do you still want to play minecraft with me?" (Y/n) asked.

"Hmm I don't knoww" Emma said in a playful tone but (Y/n) didn't seem to catch on. A very tiny but visible frown covered (Y/n)'s face making Emma laugh. "Of course I wanna play with you!" Emma lightly hit his shoulder.

"Good because you're the only woman I'm willing to it play with." (Y/n) smiled.

"Oh I better be" Emma said with a joking tone but yet there was still a hint of seriousness in it.

(Y/n) was still kneeling on the floor so Emma stood up with him and walked to their even bigger couch. They cuddled, enjoying each other's presence and the silence, until (Y/n) broke it.

"Emma is better at minecraft huh?" (Y/n) mocked.

"Oh shut it."

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