Pancakes and Party (pt. 1)

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"Pancakes and Party (pt. 1)," Dan and Phil are invited to do a collab at PJ's house with the Fantastic Foursome, and end up having a party, chaptered.


I woke up to the sound of Muse playing in the kitchen and some really bad singing... Phil?

I looked over to where Phil was sleeping next to me last night, and sure enough, he wasn't there. I decided to follow the sound of sweet music and the smell of Delia Smith pancakes. My nose led me to find a freestyling Phil flipping flapjacks at the stove. He was shaking his butt in my YouTube sweatpants and I couldn't do anything but laugh. "Ah! Jesus Dan you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Phil said, swatting me with his spatula. "I hate you!" "You don't mean that, right?" I asked warily. Phil's laughing abruptly stopped and a frown took its place. "No... no, Dan, I promise I didn't mean that!" Phil put a hand on my shoulder. I gave a small smile and wiped some pancake batter off his face. "You had a little somethin' on your face," I said, walking out of the kitchen and licking my finger. Phil's laughter followed me into the lounge.

About five minutes later, Phil walked into the kitchen with crisp pancakes. I paused my game of Smash Bros and took my plate from Phil as he sat down next to me. "Bon appetite!" he said, thrusting his fork in the air in triumph before digging in. I laughed and took a bite. I thought Phil's pancakes were going to turn out bad, but they were lovely. "These are great, Phil!" I praised. Phil chuckled; "It was all thanks to Delia Smith!" We laughed over that.

After we finished our pancakes, Phil got a call from Chris. "Hey, mate!" Phil said into the receiver, stepping into the hallway to take the call. As Phil conversed on the phone, I picked up our dirty plates and took them into the kitchen.

The last dirty plate was just about clean when Phil walked into the kitchen. "That was Chris," Phil said, leaning against the counter, "he wanted to know if we wanted to make a video with him and PJ." I set down my plate and rag and turned to Phil. "What's the video going to be?" "Probably a not-my-arms challenge... or maybe twister... I dunno yet, but it's supposed to be fun," Phil said. I chuckled. "Well any video you're in with me is always fun," I said, going over to the fridge for a can of Coke. Phil blushed and a small smile crept up onto his face. It was great to know I made him smile.

Phil was the greatest friend anyone could ask for.


About an hour later, Phil stepped out of the bathroom and into my room, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, thinking nothing of it.

"Dan?" he asked timidly from the doorway. I was currently straightening my hair on the side of my bed that had the outlet, so my back was to the door, but I turned around, and BAM! Facefull of Phil!

"Bloody hell, Phil! Put on a damn shirt!" I yelled, shielding my eyes. Phil laughed but his feet were glued to the floor. "I actually, um... I actually came in because I t-think my, um... I think the shirt I wanted to wear today is in your dresser..." he said, slowly making his way over to my dresser. I sighed. "Why didn't you just let me get it for you?" I ask, turning off my straightener. Phil shrugs. "I dunno... I just kinda wanted to stop by and say hi, too," he says with a goofy smile on his face. I throw my head back in laughter. "Gosh, Phil... well, hi to you too. How's your morning been so far?" I say. Phil is currently digging through my shirt drawer. "It's been great! The pancakes were super and my shower made me feel a lot better... aha! Found it!" he cries, holding up a t-shirt proudly. "Alright, you've found your t-shirt... now get out so I can change!" I say, pushing Phil out of my room. He's laughing, and it's a deep laugh. His smile is so big it looks like it's about to pop off his face. "Thanks, Dan," he says, making eye contact. Phil's blushing a crimson red, but I'm focused on the blue in his eyes.


Phil and I take a cab over to PJ's house. Chris is there too, and we get started right away on the video. "I was thinking more of a Q&A?" PJ suggests as we're munching on snacks. Phil dunks his pretzel in some peanut butter. "We've always done that kind, though," he says. I nod; Phil's right. PJ sighs, thinking hard. Chris pipes up: "Why not make a video where we play old board games, like Chutes and Ladders, but the winner gets to draw on the losers' faces," Chris suggests with a smile. I laugh, "That sounds like a great idea! I'm down for that." PJ and Phil smile in agreement. "PJ, where do you keep the markers? I want to go get them," Phil says, standing up. "They're in the third drawer on my desk," PJ says, standing up to get the video and supplies ready. "Want to come with me, Dan?" Phil offers, walking towards the doorway. I smile, nod, and follow my best friend down the hallway to Peej's room.

"I'm really happy we came. This video sounds fun!" Phil says happily, skipping over to PJ's desk. I walk over too, and pick out the pretty coloured markers from the bin. "Yeah, Phil?" I say. Phil nods. "Me too."

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