!a well deserved update

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hey guys! i'm finally back!! just want to take a moment before i shower you with all of my excuses and what's going on in my life to thank everyone. every single one of you who've been reading my dumb short stories, or voting, or commenting, or following and adding and sharing and lots of other ways you could possibly make me feel good. sometimes i even get people send me messages saying my work is so good. thank you. you might not have an idea of how good that makes me feel, especially since i do all of this on my own time. it's not like i'm getting paid to write about fantasy events that could happen to Dan and Phil. i'm a regular person just like you, the reader. or maybe i'm not and i'm just a very articulate alien that has impeccable typing skills???? who knows lol

onto the excuses... I won't be able to make anymore excuses since marching band season is officially over!! we placed 3rd against 12 other bands in our division and class. sounds kinda lame, but we did very well, i'm telling you. the band that placed 2nd only beat us by fucking .45!!! ridiculous, i'd say. i'm actually feeling very sad now..... more so than usual bc i have chronic depression and terrible anxiety and blah blah blah and basically just a serious case of teen angst. i'm feeling sad because the season's over. i'm never ever going to have the same experience with those same people ever again. most of my friends are seniors who'll be going off to college at the end of the school year... they won't be marching with us anymore. i actually had this realization occur to me when i was putting things away in the band room after champs... my friend Adrian was putting away coats, and we had our backs turned to each other, and then i turn to them and go "so, do you think you'll be doing guard next year too?" and then i start crying because it hits me.... they're not going to even be going to my high school anymore. i was sobbing. even now, i get a bit sad because i'll be at home when i know i should be at band practice but i'm not because there is none. 

so that's my sob story.... also i got a girlfriend!!!!!! B)

so.... now that marching band season is over i'm shifting my focus over to doing the school musical. we have Les Mis this year!! i'm not trying out for any specific part, i'm just going to take what i can get, ya feel?

before i go, thanks again for everyone who stuck through my absence. i'll be trying to write more stuff to post for everyone very soon. i have tons of drafts (like you have no idea) waiting to be published soon.

this is not goodbye, this is see you later.

as always, you can catch up with me on my tumblr anythinginthestars (and lots of other side blogs for you to follow.... shameless self promotion lmao)

thanks everyone!


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