Faux Boyfriend

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i swear tho, once i finish this school year, it should be much easier to write some phan stuff. :)

ive had multiple concerts in choir and orchestra, two tours for band and choir, and a whole lot of other shit like wow... sadly, my girlfriend and i broke up. we thought it would be better if we just remained friends. im obviously sad about it, but it happened over a month ago so i'm better now. im just really anxious for this school year to end because i want band camp and marching band season to start, like, as soon as fucking possible, because i miss it and im in need of it lmao. im also really upset because all my friends who are seniors this year aren't gonna be here next year, but a few of my close friends won't be too far away, so that's pretty good. anyways im blabbing (as usual jfc like who am i kidding you guys know me by now to know that i ramble)

HighSchool!AU, Dan has a not-so-secret admirer, and Phil is thankfully to the rescue to pretend to be a boyfriend for Dan.

* * *

It all began on a Thursday in maths when Dan encountered a sticky situation. He had been seated next to a boy named Kyle for a while now, and they had talked. Dan had no qualms with Kyle; Kyle wasn't a jock like the mean kids who sat in the back of the class like some were, or like a stoner who skipped class every other day to smoke in the back of the school with some other pothead buddies. No, he was actually Dan's type, and resembled Dan quite a bit. They both shared asymmetrical brown fringes, limbs like sticks, and a hidden smile. Not only did they share features, but they also shared favourite animes. Dan soon learned Kyle was obsessed with Sword Art Online, which he liked as well. They also talked about Attack on Titan and spoke briefly about Tokyo Ghoul. Dan was surprised that he had gone so long before meeting Kyle.

Just one problem: Kyle was practically head over heels for Dan, and Dan definitely didn't feel the same.

He figured it was probably the breakup talking; Kyle had told him that just last week his girlfriend had broken up with him. "She wanted to do it at the senior dance, actually," Kyle told me, "but her friends thankfully talked her out of it. What a rotten night that would have been, huh?"

So then school let out, and Kyle promised Dan he would text him later. Dan knew that the senior dance was that night, so he secretly hoped the backlash would cause Kyle to be too tired to text him over the weekend.

He was so wrong.

On Saturday afternoon, Kyle started texting Dan.

Kyle: Hey Dan I am watching the show right now and thought of how we were talking about it together. Did you start watching it yet?
Dan: no I haven't and I haven't even gotten a chance to ask my parents about going to the con yet bc I've barely been home but sadly we have a trip to the shore that day :( I'm so sorry
Kyle: it's ok
Dan: sorry, I know you were looking forward to it
Kyle: Yeah I was but hey if you would like maybe me and you could hangout this weekend, maybe see a movie and have dinner. get to know each other better.

Dan's heart froze, and not in a good way. His stomach got queasy, like he was gonna be sick. Kyle was practically asking him out, and he didn't want to date him. He just wanted to be friends.

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