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Phan Fluff! Part 8: #PHANINJAPAN

"Hey Phil," I said as I entered the lounge. Phil looked up from his computer. "Oh hey Dan," he replied. I plopped down on the couch next to him, something irking me. "There's something I wanted to ask if you wanted to join me with," I said, slowly. Phil stopped typing on his keyboard and moved the computer aside. "What's up?" "Well, we've come a long way with the book and the tour and all, and I just really feel like we need a holiday," I started. Phil nodded at me, and smiled. "I feel the same... do you wanna do something crazy?" he asked. There was a tint in his eye of something that suggested an escapade. "Let's go on an adventure, Phil," I said, laughing. Phil laughed too. "I really kinda wanna go to Japan... it's been my dream," he said. I beamed. "Japan?! Wow you weren't kidding when you suggested crazy! But I'm up for that," I said. "That's awesome! I'll look into air fares, book us some tickets... with my luck, we might even be able to be leaving for Tokyo in a few weeks," Phil said, pulling the laptop back onto his lap. I leaned over his shoulder to watch him pull up a new tab. "This is so exciting!" I cried. Phil giggled and looked at me. "It'll be great! We both have worked so hard, we both deserve a break."

That was three weeks ago. Now it was Thursday evening, and Phil and I were scrambling to pack our bags tight. Trending on Twitter? The top hashtag was #PhanInJapan... *le sigh* thanks, Phandom. I wondered if Phil had seen yet... "Daaan where are my otter sooocks!" I heard Phil cry from downstairs in the laundry room. I laughed. "How should I know! I'm pretty sure a Sock Goblin got em, you know those pesky little- oh, nevermind... they were under the sofa cushion...."
Every now and then Phil would freak out and go into a frenzy finding something. I understand, it's in our genes that we're both anxious psychos. I promised him, though, that I would triple check to make sure we had our passports and other papers.
"Are you sure you've got everything together?" Phil asked me with a smile. I nodded and smiled back; I was positive I had everything ready for the trip. "Come here," Phil said, stretching out his arms. With a yawn, I stepped into his welcoming embrace and felt myself nestle into him. Phil breathed quietly and kissed my head. "I'm so excited to spend a trip with you."
"Hurry, Phil!" I called to Phil from the lounge. I watched him waddle out in his Jake the Dog hoodie and black skinny jeans. He had his glasses on, ideal for travel, and a bit of stubble was forming on his chin. All in all, he looked great for 7 in the morning. "Sorry to rush you, I just heard the cab honk outside and I don't want us to be late," I explained as I picked up my bag. Phil nodded and yawned. "It's fine. I have all my things ready by the front door."
Before we left, we shut off all the lights, blew out all the burning candles, and posted a video to Phil's channel. But it wasn't until we were locking the door to our flat that it all finally hit me. "Ready, Dan?" Phil asked as I locked the door. "We're still going to Japan, right?" I asked. He laughed and poked out his tongue. "Yup!" "Then I'm ready. I'm ready to go on an adventure with you."
"Flight 11-6 to Tokyo, now boarding."
That was us... flight to Tokyo, non-stop. Phil was so excited he could barely stand still. He kept throwing his hands in his pockets and playing with his fringe, and, on occasion, holding my hand. Once we scanned our tickets and boarded the plane, he gasped and kissed me on the cheek. "The plane looks so cool! Where are our seats?" he said. I looked down at our tickets; Phil had bought two that were in the center of the plane. "Right here... 3C and 3D," I said, pointing to the first-class seats. On the inside I squealed, but on the outside I kept my cool, and let Phil go into the seats first. Once he was in, I put our carry-ons into the overhead compartments and then sat down. Phil grinned from ear to ear: "I'm just so excited!" he exclaimed. I chuckled and rested my hand on his knee, leaning over to kiss him. "We have a non-stop, and the time change is going to mess us up. But, if you get some sleep, you'll be waking up in Tokyo."
Phil and I arrived in Tokyo in the afternoon over there. Our body clocks were so messed up, though... it felt like bedtime but all around us were people walking around and the sun was still shining. "I can't believe it!" I exclaimed. We had made it into Tokyo, without a scratch. I got out my phone and started recording. "LOOK AT THIS!!!" I shouted. Phil laughed in the background.
Some of our friends from Tokyo picked us up from the airport and helped us get settled into our hotel rooms. As soon as I had hung up my wide collection of black and Phil had put the rainbow up on hangers, we were ready to just relax. "I'm so super tired and smell like airport," Phil said sadly, sniffing his shirt. I laughed: "You can take a shower if you want, you know," I suggested. Phil shrugged. "I guess I could use one," he said. Then he proceeded to take off his sweatshirt and walk into the bathroom to start the bath. But before he did, he stopped in the doorway. "You can join me if you'd like," he said with a wink. I blushed furiously and giggled. "I think I might pass... I'm pretty tired. But if our room has a Jacuzzi, we'll make a night of it and order some sushi." Phil nodded at my response with a smirk and went back into the bathroom.
When he found me, I was passed out cold. I could hear him giggle, though, and kiss me on the cheek. What a twat.

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