A Fluffy Evening

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Inspired by after Dan's liveshow this Tuesday on YouNow... didn't get around to finishing it until today. Enjoy."Well thanks guys!... thanks for choosing to spend an hour of your day listening to me waffle on camera... I'll talk to you soon I guess... OH! New Dil video soon! Yeah. Alrighty... bye guys!"

I clicked off YouNow. Ah, it was great to be back to talk to everyone.

Towards the end of the liveshow, though, I heard Phil cooking on the stove. Now would probably be a good time to see if I could eat anything.

I walked down the hallway into the kitchen where, sure enough, Phil was at the stove, stirring some macaroni in boiling water. "Hey, Phil," I said, exhausted. Phil beamed. "Hi Dan," he said happily, pulling me into a hug. "Heard you talking to a camera... doing a liveshow perhaps?"

"Yup. I heard you come home, too, during my liveshow. Out?"

"Yeah, I was prepping to make some mac and cheese and forgot the cheese part of the recipe."

We laughed together. "Well," I said, "I'm glad you got the cheese. I could really use some comfort food. I'm starving!"

Phil smiled and nodded his head towards the cabinet. "There're some crisps in there... dunno if you want a small few to snack on before dinner but the pasta's cooking nicely so it should all be ready quite soon."

I gave a meek smile and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his neck. "Thanks... I'll just wait for dinner." Phil shrugged. "Alright then."

Giving Phil one last kiss on the cheek, I went over to the silverware drawer and got out two spoons for both of us, and some napkins. "I'm just going to set the table," I told Phil as I went to set the table in the lounge. "What're you doin' that for? We can just eat on the couch," he said from the kitchen.

"I know, but... I dunno, I was feeling like we could just sit at the table tonight."

"Only if I can hold your hand!"

A few minutes later, Phil finished the meal, and was serving it into bowls for him and I. My stomach screamed, I could hardly contain my hunger. That just made Phil laugh quite a bit.

I pulled the seat out for Phil. "What? Oh... thank you, Dan, that was very kind of you," he said, surprised. "You cooked, so you deserve to relax," I explained. Phil chuckled: "Monthly radio show host, part-time YouTuber, and full-time, 24/7 gentleman."

My blush was too red to hide.

Phil placed his left hand in my right hand and we began to eat.

"So, how was your day?"

"Indifferent. I managed to edit some of mine and the gaming channel's videos a bit more, made myself a salad, took a nap, checked out Tumblr... it was pretty productive. How was yours?"

"Woke up, played some Mario Kart, took a shower, read some more chapters of a good book I got into, made a run to Tesco, started dinner, went back to Tesco to grab the cheese, and now I'm here, having a meal with my best friend in the whole universe."

I squeezed Phil's hand lovingly and he giggled. "Wanna hang out in my room after we finish dinner?"

I nodded. "Yeah, once we're done I'll clean the dishes and then we can relax."

So we ate our mac and cheese and then went our separate ways. I was done washing the dishes in no time, and came into Phil's room to find him in his pyjamas.

"You look comfy," I said with a smile. Phil looked up from his phone and at me, the screen shining on his fringe and reflecting on his glasses. "Take off your shirt and jeans and join me then!"

So I undid the belt buckle, took off my jeans carefully, and pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my skin to the cool room.

Phil reached out his arms, inviting me into an embrace. I turned out the lights and then shyly made my way over to the bed and rolled into his arms. "Can I be the little spoon? I was the big spoon last time," he asked in a timid voice. I laughed. "Yes, fine, you can be Little Spoon," I said. I let Phil get situated before I pulled the covers over us.

A few minutes passed, and Phil was dead weight in my arms. I thought for sure he was fast asleep, until he rolled out of my arms to face me.

"Phil?" I asked, "you alright?"

"Yes" came Phil meekly. He then yawned.

He was okay... he leaned in, though, to give me a tender kiss on the lips.

I breathed him in, adoring his sweet smell and loving kiss. His hand was on my hip, the other cupping my cheek. I could feel him smile and laugh. A giggly kiss was one Phil always seemed to give. Never failed.

"I love you, Dan," was all I heard before he finally drifted off to sleep, lips pressed to my cheek and body all tangled up in my embrace.

"I love you too, Phil," I said, but he was fast asleep.

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