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A/N: Hi guys! Here's a fun longer piece for you all! I came up with it on the fly, so hopefully it's not that bad. Also, I highly recommend you play the music along with this chapter. Listen to the lyrics closely and you'll see it's quite a nice match. Hope everyone's doing well! xx


It was a chilly evening, in October of 2010. Dan and Phil were walking down the pavement back to their flat. The two had just gotten a coffee and stopped by a comic book store... Phil needed some manga.

Phil was just about to tell Dan how pretty he looked in the moonlight when he jumped. He reached down into the pocket of his jacket to answer the ringing phone: "Hello?"

"Hey... Phil?" Louise's cautious voice crackled through the speaker. "Y-yes it's me. You alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine... I was actually, um, calling to ask you about, um, some comments I've seen around. Y'know, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram..."

"What about them?"

"Well, it might shock you, but everyone who watches yours and Dan's videos is completely convinced you two are dating. I just... just wanted to let you know."

Phil wipes his sweaty palms on his skinny jeans, and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, I've seen those too."

"Are they true? I mean surely you would have told your bestest friend in the world first." Louise ended the sentence with a nervous laugh.

Phil laughed back. "Y-yeah, of-of course!" he stuttered. His voice was cracking. "And no, we aren't, so don't worry. You'd be the first to know."

Louise took a deep breath. "Well, sorry to bother you! You know how trolls are. I have to get back to cooking, I want to make sure I don't burn the house down. Enjoy your evening! Tell Dan I said hello!"

Phil nodded. "Yup, same to you. Bye."

Phil stopped walking, and Dan did too. "Phil? What's wrong?"

Phil stood there silently, searching for the words to say. "Um... Louise saw some comments around the internet saying that you... and I... were, um, dating. It's no big deal, I told her we weren't. Probably just some trolls."

Dan just stared back at his best friend with a blank face. "Oh. Okay."

And they didn't say anything about it.


Phil was on his Mac, scrolling through the comments of his most recent YouTube video. Sure enough, there were terrible comments: "Fag!" "Gayyy" "Dan and Phil dating? UNSUBSCRIBING!" Phil felt ill, knowing that Dan had probably seen them too. Hopefully he hadn't seen the death threats yet...

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Phil?" Dan asked quietly, poking his head into Phil's room. Phil was in a slouched position on his bed, scrolling through Tumblr. He looked up from his Mac at his friend in the doorway. "Hey, Dan. Come in."

Phil closed his laptop and scooted over to make room for Dan, who flopped down and pulled the covers around himself.

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