Cheers, Howell / All My Love, Lester

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A/N: here's another NonYoutuber!Phan story... Dan and Phil meet on a train that's stuck getting home to London, and talk about themselves a bit to pass the time.  i was asked to do a part 3 of "Monday Nights" albeit i wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger like "what did phil say??" and "what will happen to them next?!" maybe i'll make a part 3? we'll see. i'm gonna be crammed on time this week, since i have band camp for the next two weeks (insert the "one time at band camp" joke here bc that'll be me) here we are, a story...

It was late at night, we're talking 11 PM late. I had to get home to my kids.

Jennifer had phoned me about an hour ago, asking what had happened. "Where are you? It's getting so late... alright... I see... well, just be safe, Philly, okay?"

I was on the train back home from work. Apparently, the rails had iced over and the train would take a while to defrost. The conductor had told me it would be approximately two hours until I would be home.

I did  have my phone to pass the time, but then the battery died. Just my luck.

Suddenly a man burst into the train car. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he looked flustered. His eyes darted around the train car, looking for an open seat. I had one, of course, and motioned for him to come sit down.

"Thank you, Sir," he said, shaking my hand and sitting down. He set his backpack down on the floor and leaned back, sighing. "Is... is everything alright?" I asked. The man chuckled, his eyes still closed. "Yup, yup, everything's juuust peachy," he said in a sarcastic tone. I frowned and looked away. "No, but honestly, I was just kicked out of my seat by a couple twats in the next train car over. They thought I took their bloody seat?! I'm just trying to get home like the rest of us, geez," he said. His breathing slowed, and he took another deep breath. "I'm sorry to hear that," I said awkwardly. The man just smiled. "It's no big deal now. I have a seat now, and I can pass the time grading papers," he announced, whipping a binder out of his backpack. I looked at it, intrigued. "Are you a schoolteacher?" I asked. "Maybe," the man replied. "I'm the arts director at a school in the North... it's great, because the arts have been such an important part of my life, you see?" he explained, and opened the binder, pointing to the papers inside. "I was grading my students on reenacting parts of Hamlet, and some of them did piss-poor performances." 

The man turned to me. "My, I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Daniel Howell," he said, sticking out a hand for me to shake. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Phil Lester," I replied. Daniel pondered this. "Lester, Phil Lester... my, what a name! You sound like you should be the head of a company or something!" "Yeah, I'd love that... I'm actually just the computer technician for a company over by Lancaster," I replied with a snort. Daniel frowned. "You seem like you have more potential than just that," I said, a bit softer. I shrugged. "Yeah, well, I dunno. Maybe I do."

A stewardess came around a few minutes later with a cart and drinks. "I know it's so late and nowhere to get food, gentlemen, but I have coffee here if you'd like some," she said. "Yes, two cups please, how much?" Daniel cut in. The stewardess laughed and shook her head; "No charge tonight. Everyone deserves a drink. Here you are, two cups," she said, handing two steaming cups of coffee to Daniel. Daniel took them from her, thanked her, and handed me one. "My, what a gentleman," I said in a teasing tone to Daniel. "I could've ordered some myself, you know."

"Phil Lester, I am quite aware that you have two perfectly good hands, but I'm a natural-born gentleman and wanted to get you some myself. Now chill out," Dan retorted. I shrugged, blushing, and took a sip of my coffee. It tasted fantastic. I felt myself sigh and lean back into my chair.

"So tell me about you," Daniel said between sips, "Got a wife? A husband? Some kids? Ooh do you have a dog?" 

I chuckled and took a sip. "No, I have a wife, Jennifer, and two children, Mia and Harry. They'll both be starting primary school soon and I'm quite excited," I told him. Daniel beamed, "That's fantastic news! I'm happy for you."

We continued to just talk. It felt so good to just talk to someone, because I hadn't really done so in a while. I don't even really talk to Jennifer that much, and I told Daniel that. We had been going through a rough time and I was starting to lose feelings for her, but I felt like such a bad husband for that. I told Daniel that women might just not be for me. He told me he was getting through a breakup with his ex boyfriend, who tried to take everything from him. He didn't love his ex anymore but his ex couldn't handle rejection, and had continuously harassed Daniel about it.

We talked about our favourite bands. Turns out, we both love Muse. And our favourite games to play as a child was Pokemon. I rolled up my trousers to show Daniel my Pokeball socks. "I love them!" Daniel had said.

Finally, the train started moving. It was about 12:30. "The train will be arriving in London at approximately 1 AM," the conductor said over the loudspeaker. "Oh thank goodness," Daniel said, sighing. I smiled, but I was secretly sad that I would be leaving Dan. What if I never saw him again? I didn't want that to happen.

The train pulled full steam ahead, moving quickly. Dan and I watched out the window to see the snow fall and the lights of the small villages and towns. It made me feel good inside.

At around 1:15, the train pulled into the station. Everyone rushed off, including Daniel and I. I could see Jennifer in the distance, waving to me. I was taken aback; I didn't think she would go to the station to pick me up, but the thought was nice. 

I felt someone tap my shoulder. "This is where we part," Daniel said, stretching out a hand. I took it sadly and shook it. "Check your palm later," he whispered in my ear, slowly walking off. I looked down; there was Daniel's phone number. I clutched it to me happily. 

Wait - his backpack! I raced back onto the train to go get Daniel's backpack. Sure enough, there it was, the same red and black backpack.

I got off the train once more and raced to Daniel. "Wait! Wait!" I shouted. Daniel turned around, confused.

I finally stopped in front of Dan and handed him the backpack. "You forgot this," I said, panting. Daniel beamed. "Thank you so much," he said. And this time he pulled me into a hug. 

"Ready to go, love?" Jennifer said, coming up behind me and putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded. 

"Cheers, Howell," I said, bidding my friend goodbye. "All my love, Lester," he said, before turning to go the other way once again.

* * *

It's been a few months since that day on the train that I saw Daniel. That was partially my fault. I was constantly calling Dan and checking up with him that Jennifer got jealous. She said I cared about a stranger I met one night on a train more than our family. And I told her maybe she was right.

I'm currently staying at my parents' house in Lancaster. I called Daniel last night to tell him I would be staying up North. Maybe he'd want to get on a train again and meet me. He told me he would. We're going out to dinner this Friday night.

I told him I wouldn't want that night on the train to be any different. I enjoyed our conversations too much. He said the same.

And he always signs off his phone calls the same way he told me goodbye that one night at the train station. 

"All my love, Lester."

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