Seer AU kind of like a pt2- (Merida's POV)

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Being a Seer is never a choice. You don't choose to be one. You're just one day hit by a vision- and if you're lucky, it's not too bad. You could get a vision of a happy couple, generally being sweet together, and maybe get a bit depressed that you aren't allowed to have a partner until you reach a certain age or just don't care at all. You could also get a vision of someone's death- violent or peaceful. I guess I'm lucky that my first vision was just about Maudie making iced buns.

Jack's first vision came when he was eight, and he managed to save his sister's life because of it. He doesn't like talking about it though, and I don't blame him.

Jamie Bennet- Jack used to babysit him once in a while, since he was around his sister's age. He got his first vision two years ago. He was unlucky. He can't see blood anymore, without going into a panic attack. 

Hiccup was-and still is, the kid who would never stop trying to figure out how visions worked, how Seers got them- he's obsessed. And he's me and Jack's best friend.

So. How do you get over the fact that you just saw your best friend die?


It's weird, when a vision comes. It's like you're sucked out of wherever you are- then poof. You're there, standing at the sidelines, watching the scene unfold before you, sometimes in slow motion, sometimes in a blur.

For Hiccup's death, it was in slow motion. Watching as the floor below him slowly fell away. Seeing the change in his expression as he realised he was falling- surprise, shock, horror-

And he reached his arm out. He reached his arm out to me- or whoever it was that had been there with him when it happened, but that was the most painful thing about it. He reached out, and whoever it was couldn't reach him. And his eyes- the look in his eyes- when he realised that whoever it was wouldn't be able to grab him, that he couldn't grab them- the look in his eyes when he realised that it was hopeless- then falling, falling, falling-

I didn't even realise I was screaming until he hit the ground.


Lesson number three: a Seer must never tell anyone that they Saw them.


I couldn't even look into his eyes when he finally burst into the room, once Jack unlocked my door. I couldn't focus on what he said, too distracted by the fact that he was here, he was still here, the memory of the vision still clear in my mind. But then he pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly, and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"You're going to be alright. I promise."

I swallowed then, fingers curling into his shirt. I took a deep breath- he smelled like potato chips and that brand of detergent he used, and old books- just like always. 

"You're going to be alright." he whispered.

I glanced over at Jack from over his shoulder. His face was set, a determined look on his face.

If Jack could save his sister, then we would definitely save Hiccup.

I closed my eyes, leaning into his chest. There was no way- no chance in hell, that I was going to let my vision become reality.

No matter what.



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