death (just a little while more)

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Spirit of death, Jack Frost strikes a deal with Merida DunBroch- he won't take her soul until she can achieve her dream: one final gold medal in international archery.

At the foot of a steep cliff, the wreckage of what used to be a sleek black motorbike lay on the dirt ground. Not too far away lay the body of its owner, dried blood matting her bright red locks.

The sky darkened as the sun set, and as day turned to dusk, a dark clothed figure materialised beside the body.

"So, who have we here?" He hummed. "Let's see, shall we?" He murmured, waving his hand above the body. A translucent, pale purple form of the girl floated out from the body.

"Well, if it isn't none other than Merida DunBroch!" He crowed. "Congratulations, you're dead."


"Oh, you don't remember?" He asked. "Allow me to refresh your memory. You, for some reason I missed, decided to go biking in the woods, then you ran into a bear.... and it ended up with you taking a dive over this cliff right here." He said, pointing to the cliff behind her. "You took quite a nasty gash across your forehead, broke a couple of ribs, among other bones.... including your cervical vertebrae from the fall."

"Wait, is that my- oh-" Merida spat out a curse, looking away from her body. "Nope. This can't be happening. No." She groaned, clutching at her head.

"Sorry, but it is happening." He said. "By the way, I'm the spirit of death."

She shook her head. "I just- nope. You've got to be kidding me- This is seriously the worst time to die." She said.

"When is there ever a good time to die?" He muttered under his breath.

"No, look, I'm supposed to compete in Internationals in four weeks time." She said.

"Well, I guess you can scratch that off your schedule, since you're dead."

"I can't just die now!" Merida yelled.

"Surprise, you're already dead." He said dryly. "For almost three hours already."


"Yeah, yeah," He interrupted. "Look, I'm running on a bit of a tight schedule here. You know, souls to reap, deaths to arrange."

"Can I have another month?" She asked. "Just one more month!"

"Ah geez, not another one..." He sighed. "See, you mortals just don't understand the implications of messing around with fate." He continued. "You are supposed to die today, from that fall, three hours ago. That is what has been set for you."

"If, I agree to not collect your soul until the next month, there will be serious consequences to be faced. Not only by you, but because of you, the fates of the people around you will be affected." He added on.

Despite everything he just said, Merida's mind was unchanged. "What do I have to do to convince you to let me live for one more month?" She asked. "Whatever it is, whatever you want, it's yours."

"Did you not hear a single thing I just said?" He asked, exasperated.

"Yes, I did, serious consequences, got it. So what do I have to do to convince you to let me live for one more month?" She asked.

He stared at her, thinking about it. He could sense her desperation, and the thought of messing around with fate did sound tempting.... even if he might get a good scolding from Thiana later...

"Well..." he paused. "Nah, not a good idea."

"What? Spit it out." Merida growled.

"Help me to reap a soul," he said. "Do that, and I'll let yours be for a month."

Merida stared at him. "That's it?" she asked. "Where's the body then?"

He stared at her for a moment, then sighed. "Not yet. When the time comes, then I'll tell you where to find her." he said. "But are you absolutely sure that you want to do this?"

Merida nodded, determined. "Yes, a hundred percent sure. I'll do it, anything."

"Alright then." he raised his hand. "This will hurt." he warned, before waving his hand. Merida's wispy form was sucked back into her body. Loud cracking noises were heard as her bones were set back into place.

"Ow."  she groaned, struggling to sit up.

"You're lucky that you didn't lose any limbs or anything. That would have been messy." he murmured. "I've fixed up your broken bones, but you might feel cold now and then." he glanced at the mess of wreckage. "I can't fix non-living objects." 

"Oh." Merida said, frowning. That had been a gorgeous bike... and an expensive one.

"Now, final thing." he removed his hood, revealing his face. Merida blinked in surprise upon seeing the face hidden under the hood. He looked her age, he couldn't have been much older than her, with dark blue eyes and pale white hair. "Like what you see? I've been told that I'm good looking." he smirked, amused when she scowled and turned away from him.

"So, let's see....what do teenagers wear nowadays...?" he snapped his fingers, and the cloak was replaced by a dark blue sweater and dark jeans, with a pair of blue converse shoes on his feet. "Ta-da." he grinned.

"And why are you...?" Merida asked, gesturing to his clothes.

"To blend in, obviously. It would be a bit alarming if I was seen walking around town with you wearing that cloak, don't you think?" he said. "I'm going to be following you around for the next month, make sure you fulfil your end of the bargain, and to make sure you don't go messing up other people's fates too badly."

"What?!" Merida exclaimed in shock. "But- I don't have room for you in my house, and my training-"

"First of all, I don't sleep, and I won't be hanging out with you 24/7, I have my other duties to see to. Second of all, trust me, you're going to need me around, to make sure you don't suddenly die- or accidentally cause someone else's death just by existing. Those 'serious consequences' I mentioned earlier? I'd like to avoid those if possible." he said. "So, from now on, I'm Jack, your distant cousin from god knows where, it's not important. Just please don't refer to me as the Grim Reaper by accident or anything."

Merida snorted. "No problems there...Jack."

"Great. It's getting dark. You should get inside soon, before it gets cold." Jack said, with a glance at the darkening sky. "Lead the way."


what do you guys think? i rly like this idea, but idk where it will go so far haha

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