I don't want to ruin our friendship (JACKUNZEL)

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Jackunzel week 2016 part 1!

"Wow, whose idea had it been to go eat sundaes after those pizzas?" Hiccup groaned, patting his stomach. "I'm so full, I don't think I can even move any more."

"Yeah," Merida groaned next to him. She leaned back in her seat, resting her head against his shoulder. "So stuffed..."

Rapunzel laughed to herself at how cute the two looked. The four of them had gone out to watch the new action movie, then ate dinner together. She glanced to her left. Jack was snickering at the tired duo, sneakily taking a quick picture of them together.

He caught her staring, and smiled at her. "Hey, remember to send me those pictures we took on your phone today later, okay?" He said.

Her phone lay at the bottom of her bag, it had died not long ago. She was charging it using Merida's powerbank now. "Yeah, sure." Rapunzel said.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," she began. "Do you guys wanna do this again next weekend? Finding Dory is finally coming out."

"I'm gonna have to take a rain check first," Jack muttered. "I think my folks have something planned," Just then, his phone started to ring. "Speaking of my folks," Jack sighed. "Excuse me."

Rapunzel watched as he walked off to answer his phone. "Wow, his parents seem like very busy people." She noted. They always seemed to have something planned or scheduled...

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." Hiccup said.

Jack walked back to the table, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Sorry guys, it seems like I'm gonna have to leave early." He said, a frown on his face. "My ride's outside already."

"Oh." Rapunzel said, trying to hide her disappointment.

"Yeah." Jack grimaced. "Well, I'll see you guys next week. Be careful on your way back to campus, guys."

"You want us to walk you out, princess?" Merida asked, in a teasing tone.

"No thanks, flamehair." Jack snorted. "Don't want your hair stealing the spotlight from my fabulousness." He grinned, attempting a hairflip.

They laughed, and watched as Jack walked out of the diner.

Jack scowled at the limousine waiting for him outside the diner. It was so ridiculously flashy and obviously did not belong here.

The driver was leaning against the car, and the moment he saw Jack, he straightened up and opened the door for him. "Your highness," he greeted.

The sound of his title only served to piss Jack off even more, and he reluctantly climbed into the car, allowing the driver to close the door behind him.

"Honesty, Aster," Jack snapped once the driver had entered the car. "How many times do I have to tell you to just call me by my name before you actually do it?"

"Well, better to keep up appearance while we're in public, Jack. You never know who's watching nowadays." Aster glanced at him through the mirror.

"Why are you here so early?" Jack asked. "What, is there some event my parents want me to attend?"

"Actually, it's on North's orders." Aster replied. Jack raised an eyebrow. North was the head of security for the royal family, and for him to order his immediate return to the palace was rare.

"North said something about there being a threat of someone trying to kidnap you."

Jack rolled his eyes. "I can take care of myself. And anyway, I have Meri and Hic with me. He was the one who assigned them to protect me, what's with the sudden concern?"

"You can ask him later when we get back." Aster replied. "So, who's that girl?"

"What girl?"

"That other girl who was with you, the blonde one." Aster said. "I haven't seen her before, a new friend?"

"Oh. Yeah, Rapunzel transferred over to the University this semester. She's taking graphic design and business." Jack said. "She's rooming with Meri at the hostel."

"Background check?"

"Hiccup already did one." Jack said, suddenly feeling tired of the conversation. It was always like this, he couldn't meet people without extremely detailed background checks being done first. He hated it, needing permission to get to know people.

"So, does she know who you are?" Aster asked. "Crown Prince Jackson Overland?"

"No." Jack muttered. "She knows me as Jack Frost, kid who doesn't show up for most of his classes because of 'stuff'."

"Are you going to tell her?" Aster asked.

"No, probably not." Jack said, glancing absently out the window. "I don't want to risk ruining our friendship."

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