interrupted declaration of love (JACKUNZEL)

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Jackunzel week 2016 part 4!

"...and I just don't get it, like I don't like like her that way, but every time I sit next to her and she just looks at me with those eyes- " Jack grit his teeth as he grimaced, a strangled sound coming out from his throat.

"You feel like you're dying?" Flynn asked dryly, barely glancing up from his business textbook.

"No! It feels like- I can't bloody explain what it feels like- but when she does that, then the world just- it's just her, and her alone," Jack said. "And I freeze, and Flynn she makes it hard to breathe!" He grabbed Flynn's hand, looking at him pleadingly. "Flynn, I need help, help me." He whined.

Flynn narrowed his eyes at him, obviously unimpressed. "Jack, I have a business exam to sit for in two days." He said. "I would like to actually pass this round."

"How could you abandon a fellow friend in need so heartlessly like this?" Jack wailed, dissolving into mock sobs.

Flynn sighed. "Jack, this is the tenth time you've had one of your rants over the way Rapunzel makes you feel. The tenth time this week alone." He said. "I'm guessing it's because it's February, and Valentine's day is probably coming up. What's today's date?"


"Hah." Flynn yawned. "Look, dude. You've been totally crushing on this girl- I'm not done, shush." He said, silencing Jack's protests by clamping his hand over Jack's mouth. "You've been in love with Rap- did you just lick me?" He yelled, withdrawing his hand quickly, disgust on his face. "Ew, germs." He groaned. "Gross." He reached over, wiping his hand on the front of Jack's hoodie.

"Hey! Wow, like that's not gross." Jack grimaced, looking down at his hoodie.

"What goes around, comes around, young Padawan. Anyway as I was saying, just admit it, you've been head over heels for her since last year." Flynn said. "The way things seem to be, it's so bloody obvious that even Hiccup's cat can see it, just tell her and ask her out already."

Jack looked uncertain, to Flynn's irritation. "Look," Flynn said. "You have all day today to ask her out for Valentine's Day. You have class with her today, don't you?" He asked.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Great, now go do it before you lose your chance again." He said, already pushing Jack out of their shared dorm room. "And please don't call me for help, I'll be busy memorising... what was it... production methods? Yeah. Okay, bye, see you later." He said cheerily, closing the door behind him.

"...Jerk." Jack muttered, walking off.


What luck, Jack thought to himself, he had classes with Rapunzel in the morning. So how was he going to confess... he frowned as he walked into the classroom, lost in thought.

Not paying attention, he accidentally knocked into a desk, causing a pencil to fall. "Oh." He squatted down, picking it up. "Sorry, I- oh." He froze, eyes meeting wide green ones.

"Oh, it's alright, Jack." She said cheerfully. The way his name sounded when she said it- would it sound weird if he asked her if he could make a recording of that? Actually no, a recording would never compare to the real thing anyway, but it would probably still be the best type of alarm to wake up to-


He blinked. She was staring at him, looking slightly concerned. "Are you okay? And, um... my pencil?" He looked down at the pencil still in his hand.

"Oh, yeah." He coughed, embarrassed. "I, er," he cleared his throat. "Sorry, not fully awake yet." He said, avoiding her eyes.

("Seriously, Flynn, it's like she's some kind of siren or something."
"Jackson Overland, what did I tell you about calling me today?")

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