The Group Chat (1)

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Sera created a group chat and added John, Remi, Blyke, Isen, Elaine, and Arlo.

Sera: Hey

John: hi sera!!

Arlo: Seraphina, what are you doing?

John: oh no why is he here

Sera: sorry John but this is necessary

John: why 🥺

Blyke: I want to know the same thing

John: oh no him too?!?!!

Sera: John, you need to get along with other people

Sera: I can't be your only friend

John: but... but... all these people hate meee

Blyke: Well it's cause you gave us a reason to, idiot!

Remi: Hey! Be nice, Blyke!

Blyke: o-oh hi remi

Sera: can all of you give John a second chance? He wants to be better

John: sera... 🥺

Remi: hmm... is that true John?

John: yea...

Remi: Well, as long as you don't hurt more people I'll give you another chance.

Blyke: what- but Remi he hospitalized us all!!

Remi: Yeah, but I trust Seraphina...

Blyke: ugh fine

Blyke: I'm not coming back to the dorm though.

Elaine: why do we have to give him another chance?

Sera: cause he's a good guy

Arlo: Tch.

Sera: shut up arlo

John: sera you're amazing 🤩

Sera: I know

Isen: Is this even the same guy?

John: Shut up, rat.

Sera: John what did I say about being nicer

John: ahh fine sorry sera

Blyke: ?!!? What the heck?!

Isen: h-how

Sera: I have my ways

Remi: Seraphina you're awesome!

Isen: she's called a goddess for a reason

Blyke: wow

Arlo: Why did you make a group chat with John.

John: I could ask the same question you know, BLOND AMBUSHING IDIOT

Arlo: You're pathetic, Joker.


Remi: Well this is a lot of arguing... I thought we weren't doing that? 😅

Elaine: How dare you insult Arlo John!! He is the best king ever!!

John: bleh you're only saying that because you like him

Elaine: w-what no!!

Arlo: ...

Isen: it's kinda obvious Elaine...

Blyke: he's right

Sera: lol yup

Elaine: Even you, Seraphina?! But I thought you were my friend 😭

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