William is back! (39)

472 15 4

Nickname key:
Old- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Child- John

Remi's tomato: hey John where are you

Child: none of your business

Goddess: we're getting boba

Child: seraaaaa why would you tell him

Goddess: cause he probably has a reason for asking

Remi's tomato: yeah I do

Remi's tomato: you have a visitor

Child: who would want to visit me though???


Pink lightning:

Stalker rat:


Remi's tomato:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: loser

Goddess: don't insult John unless you want to die

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Child: seriously though who is it

Remi's tomato: idk some guy with gelled hair who looks kinda like you

Pink lightning:

Pink lightning: think about who it could be based on what you just said

Remi's tomato: I have no idea who!

Stalker rat: dude

Remi's tomato: what??

Goddess: it's obviously his dad

Remi's tomato: how is that obvious?!

Goddess: 1) gelled hair 2) looks a lot like John 3) is one of the only people who would visit

Child: that third point is sad but true

Remi's tomato:

Remi's tomato: anyways I'm just going to tell him to wait in your room

Child: send me a picture of him first so I can see if it's actually my dad

Goddess: John no one else uses hair gel

Child: I mean that's true but still

Stalker rat:

Child: that is my dad but why are you sending the picture

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Child: that is my dad but why are you sending the picture

Stalker rat: cause I came to see

Remi's tomato: when did you get here?! How did you get here?!?

Stalker rat: through the window like John!

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