Oh no (48)

308 7 6

Nickname key:
Tall blond idiot- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Red laser- Blyke
X rei- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Dark aura- John

Stalker rat: guys

Stalker rat: guys we might need your help

Dark aura: what, are you finally getting attacked

Stalker rat: yeah but these people are strong!

Dark aura: how strong

Stalker rat: I think they're high tiers!

Goddess: ehh you can handle them

Stalker rat:

Red laser: Isen, focus

Red laser: we can do this

Stalker rat: I'm terrified

Stalker rat: I'm so scared

Stalker rat: Blyke just got punched in the face


Stalker rat:

Stalker rat: ouch now even you're calling me a rat?

Dark aura: isen

Dark aura: stay there

Stalker rat:

Stalker rat: I want to go home now

Dark aura: I just wanted to see blyke get hit again

Stalker rat: I think I'm going to pass out

X rei: Isen!!

Stalker rat: sorry I'll focus now

Dark aura: dang it now it'll be boring again

Dark aura: sera are there more people yet

Goddess: no, the last ones you punched are still unconscious

Dark aura: dang it they're so weak

Dark aura: ... can I punch them again

Goddess: John we've talked about this

Dark aura: yeah... I think the joker mask is affecting me

Goddess: take it off then

Dark aura: but then I'm not as scary

Goddess: you don't need to be scary

Tall blond idiot:

Tall blond idiot: Yet again I regret checking this chat.

Dark aura: not you again

Goddess: arlo just stop being dumb or be quiet

Dark aura: nicely said

Goddess: thank you

Tall blond idiot:

Dark aura: go away you weird blond

Goddess: I think he left

Dark aura: good

Goddess: oh John there's more people coming

Dark aura: let's get them

Stalker rat: wait don't leave

Stalker rat: come help us

Stalker rat: I'm scared

Red laser: stop saying that!

Stalker rat: stop getting punched!

Red laser:

Red laser: you-

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