They're all friends (44)

460 11 8

Nickname key:
Old- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Criminal- John

Stalker rat: guys

Stalker rat: I have an important idea

Criminal: it's not as important as you think

Stalker rat: I haven't even told you yet!

Criminal: yes, but you're unimportant

Goddess: true

Stalker rat:

Stalker rat: why am I always bullied?

Remi's tomato: because you're easy to bully

Stalker rat: not you too 😭

Stalker rat: Remi will you listen to me?

Pink lightning: sorry I'm busy

Goddess: we're shopping right now


Criminal: you're hanging out without me?

Goddess: you hate shopping

Criminal: but I love you


Remi's tomato: calm down, you already told her that

Stalker rat: says you, your name isn't only tomato because of your hair

Stalker rat: have you seen how red you get when you see Remi?

Remi's tomato: shut up Isen

Pink lightning: I need one of you to find John for me

Remi's tomato: why??

Pink lightning: I want to see if he's blushing

Stalker rat: ahh for the ship

Pink lightning: yes

Old: He is indeed blushing.

Criminal: eW it's the blond guy


Criminal: go away

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: you were blushing though

Criminal: I don't care

Pink lightning: how'd you even find him, Arlo?

Old: He was walking through school grounds outside, likely to go join Seraphina at the mall.

Goddess: John

Criminal: yes?

Goddess: is that what you were doing?


Criminal: DANG IT ARLO

Criminal: I HATE YOU

Criminal: can I please come though sera

Goddess: aren't you just going to say you hate it?

Criminal: 🥺



Pink lightning: she stopped working at that face

Stalker rat: if John did that to me, I would too

Remi's tomato:

Pink lightning:




Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

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