John is ✨famous✨ (43)

534 12 6

Nickname key:
Old- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Not a Doe Though/Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Child/Criminal- John
Strong Cripple- William Doe

Child: um

Child: I just did a thing

Goddess: what was it?

Not a Doe Though: was it illegal?

Child: ...yes

Not a Doe Though: interesting

Remi's tomato: Isen stop writing

Not a Doe Though: how'd you know?!

Remi's tomato: I can just tell

Remi's tomato: I bet you're writing something like "the joker is a criminal"

Not a Doe Though: I-

Pink lightning: are you sure what you did was illegal, John?

Child: yes

Strong Cripple: John...?

Child: shoot I forgot you were here

Child: all of that was a lie to mess with them

Strong Cripple: What did you do?

Child: nothing, I just wanted them to freak out lol

Child: see you later dad

Child has removed Strong Cripple from the chat.

Not a Doe Though: you just kicked him out?

Child: yes

Child: I actually did do something illegal I just don't want him to know

Goddess: John, I thought you were calmer now?

Child: uh well

Child: I was in a bad mood

Old: Just tell us what the illegal thing was.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: would healing someone make it better? So we don't all get in trouble too?

Child: no I think they're dead after the fire



Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Not a Doe Though:

Remi's tomato: dude

Pink lightning: you set a fire?!

Child: it was an accident!

Child: mostly!

Goddess: just explain, John

Child: okay so remember how the authorities had my mom?

Child: I took her back

Pink lightning: oh good, so you have a mom again!

Child: then I went on a rampage

Pink lightning:

Remi's tomato: I knew that was coming

Not a Doe Though: John always has to be angry

Child: shut up

Goddess: so what happened on this rampage

Pink lightning: did you really... kill people?

Child: idk if they died

Child: anyways, I broke into the NXGen building last night

Remi's tomato: how

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