Another confession?! (25)

672 19 20

Nickname key:
Stupid- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Blue tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Gel- John

Pink lightning: I've decided

Gel: great, I don't care

Goddess: John-

Stalker rat: about what?

Pink lightning: about Blyke

Gel: if you say you've decided you like him I'm going to cringe

Stalker rat: I- me too though

Pink lightning: no I already knew that

Stalker rat:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Stalker rat: SHIP

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: yeah, ship!!

Pink lightning: now that I'm the one you keep saying this to I don't really like it-

Gel: now you see how we felt, it was very annoying

Goddess: true

Gel: and I'm going to make it worse


Goddess: even for getting back at them I never would've expected that-

Stalker rat: me neither-

Pink lightning:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Stupid: Oh great, it's chaotic again.

Gel: always.

Blue tomato:


Blue tomato: no

Gel: I can see you typing that-

Pink lightning: BLYKE!!

Blue tomato: ...

Pink lightning: WAIT DONT LEAVE!!!!

Gel: too late

Stalker rat: wow I'm surprised he showed up at all

Goddess: me too

Stupid: Bring him back here so he will listen to Remi. I'm sick of him thinking of what Zeke did when I want everyone to forget it.

Gel: you know that makes me want to bring it up more often right

Stupid: ...

Goddess: John don't

Gel: why not 🥺

Goddess: for remi and blyke

Gel: fineeee

Pink lightning: John.

Gel: what do you want

Goddess: John-

Gel: fine yes remi what is it?

Pink lightning: where is Blyke now.

Gel: in the dorm

Stalker rat: are you going to talk to him again?

Pink lightning: yes.

Pink lightning: make sure he doesn't leave

Gel: now this I like

Goddess: are you going to tell him your feelings remi?

Pink lightning: yes... I am

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