John needs therapy (29)

681 20 12

Nickname key:
HieRaRcY- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Gel/Therapy- John

Goddess: so John

Goddess: have you thought about it anymore

Gel: thought about what?

Goddess: t h e r a p y

Gel: ooh right that

Gel: yeah I don't want to

Remi's tomato: we don't really care because you need to

Gel: shush

Pink lightning: it's the truth though...

Gel: I don't like the truth

HieRaRcY: We can tell by how much you lie.

Gel: no one asked you to talk

Goddess: John seriously though

Goddess: you need this.

Gel: no

Goddess: yes

Gel: no

Goddess: yes

Gel: NO

Goddess: YES

Pink lightning: this could go on for a really long time couldn't it...

Stalker rat: yeah probably

Remi's tomato: then let's do something about it


Goddess: YESSSSS

Pink lightning: YES

Remi's tomato: YES

Stalker rat: yes, don't kill me though

HieRaRcY: Yes. Take John away please, he's very messed up.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: agreed!


Gel: why do you always gang up against me

Goddess: not always you just need therapy

Gel: I feel beTrAyed

Gel: I want to punch a mirror

Goddess: NO

Remi's tomato: and you wonder why you need therapy???

Gel: I-

Pink lightning: this is really becoming a problem John!!

Stalker rat: if you don't get therapy and you're still problematic there's more possible articles to write though...

Goddess: ISEN. NO.

Stalker rat: I expected this 🥲

Gel: hmmmmMmm

Gel: I still say no to therapy

Gel: and to articles

Stalker rat:

Goddess: but John this isn't a choice. I'm going to bring you to therapy because YOU NEED IT

Gel: not if you can't find me

Goddess: Blyke is he in the dorm

Remi's tomato: well he just ran out the door yelling that he isn't going to therapy

Goddess: and you didn't stop him??

Remi's tomato: I don't want to deal with this I'm doing homework

Goddess: ISEN. Find him with your ability

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